Hawaiian Government Legally Exists vs. The Illegal, Corrupt, Treason Based State of Hawaii Which Came to Life from the House of Representatives or 1/3 Part of the Hawaiian Government
by Amelia Gora (2015)
Brief Review of our Monarchy turned Constitutional Monarchy government
Kind of Government: Monarchy turned Constitutional Monarchy
Since when: 1810 during the time of Kamehameha
Affiliations: Pacific Empire - made up of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Aetearoa, and the Samoan Islands,
Since when: 1815 during the time of Kamehameha
Recognized as a Hawaiian archipelago by the Russians
Since when: during the time of Kamehameha
Treaty(ies): U.S.A., England, France, et,als.,
Recognized as a separate nation by other nations: U.S., England, France,
Since when: 1844, 1845
Kamehameha and Liholiho - Kamehameha II reigned the Monarchy government.
The Monarchy government became a Constitutional Monarchy during the reign of Kauikeaouli - Kamehameha III.
Status: Neutral, friendly, non-violent nation
Since when: During the reign of Kauikeaouli - Kamehameha III
The Constitutional Monarchy government was made up of three (3) parts; only two (2) parts were Permanent, the last part was Temporary, voted in, made up of Non Royal Family members:
1) Sovereign - his heirs and successors - made up of the Kamehameha's, the Royal Family members
a permanent part of the government
2) House of Nobles - their heirs and successors - a permanent part of the government
3) House of Representatives - a temporary, voted in, limited assignment part of the government
The following chart shows how the Hawaiian Government Legally Exists with Evidence in the Reference part below:
Hawaiian Government known to the Royal Families and
the World as the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/ Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/
He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Sandwich
Islands/ Hawaii
1) Sovereign 2) House of Nobles 3) House of Representatives
1824 - Maintained neutral nation 1824 - Maintained neutral nation 1824 - Maintained neutral nation
1850 - Treaty with the U.S.A. - Permanent, Friendship, etc. Treaty & with other Nations
1871 - a wealthy nation 1871 - a wealthy nation 1871- U.S.A. became U.S. and
a bankers Constitution usurped
the American people; but the
1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian
Kingdom locked in the U.S.A.
1872 - Lot/Kamehameha V died...he was claimed to be the "last of the Kamehameha's"
1874 - Lot/Kamehameha V was not the "last of the Kamehameha's" 1874 - S.B. Dole wrote an
Kamehameha had 19+ children, their descendants existed artucle that claimed that
then and exists today Lot/Kamehameha V
was the "last of the
1874 - Heir of Lot/Kamehameha was Ruth Keelikolani
1883 - Ruth Keelikolani died - she too was claimed to be the "last of the Kamehameha's" - her heir
was her hanai/adopted sister named Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was married to
Charles Reed Bishop a JP Morgan banker, lawyer, plantation owner, a fag whose lover was
William Lee, early American spy who worked for the American Consulate, became a Judge.
1884 - Bernice Pauahi Bishop died. She was claimed to be the "last of the Kamehameha's". Her heir was Charles Reed Bishop, her next of kin was first cousin Kalola (w). Kalola (w) had siblings: Kaluaikau; Alapai; Jane Loeau; Abigail Maheha, J/P. Koakanu, et.als. They were Kamehameha's.
Her husband Charles Reed Bishop had a life interest which he conveyed to the American/foreign Trustees and they were part of the planners, pillagers, pirates who helped to dethrone one of Kamehameha's successors, Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.
1893 - Queen Liliuokalani was dethroned by the entity: House of Representatives, etc.
Sovereign House of Nobles House of Representatives
maintained neutral maintained neutral supported by U.S,, the BOSTON
military under orders by the
American Civil War President Harrison
1893-Under duress, stress, 1893 - Under duress, stress, 1893 - Treasonous body who
usurpation, coercion, etc. usurpation, coercion, etc. dethroned the Sovereign/
Queen Liliuokalani. This body
did Premeditate the take over
with the help of the U.S. and
the American Empire as
documented in the 1899 case
Peacock vs. Republic of Hawaii
Headed by Sanford B. Dole,
they called themselves the
Provisional government.
Note: Queen Liliuokalani said the Provisional Government were neither de facto, nor
de jure but were an entity. They were not a government. They were the voted in temporary House of Representatives or 1/3 part which could not legally stand alone.
Queen Liliuokalani maintained a neutral, non violent, friendly
nation status.
1897 - Opposition to Annexation 1897 - Opposition to Annexation Moved to Annex their entity.
1898 - Opposition maintained 1898 - Opposition maintained U.S. annexed the Republic of
Hawaii thru the Newlands
Resolution. This entity
made up of treasonous
persons ceded the Crown
Lands which they did not
own, and pillaged, pirated
assets of a neutral, friendly,
non-violent nation supported
by the U.S., England, and
the J.P. Morgan bankers.
The U.S., England, and
France were bankrupt due
to heavy losses in the
American Civil War 1863 -
1898 - Hawaiian Kingdom not annexed. "Republic of Hawaii"
"No annexation of the Hawaiian Islands ever legally occurred..." claimed to be "Territory of
Hawaii" then "State of
Hawaii Sovereign under duress, etc. House of Nobles under duress, etc.
1900 - The "Territory of Hawaii" was not established,
1915 - Sovereign under duress, and placed back on the throne for one day to celebrate Pan Pacific Day, covering nations under the U.S. and American Empire.
1916 - Sovereign under duress, and expected to sign an agreement with the Aero club, a military group.
1917 - Sovereign, Queen Liliuokalani died. In her will, she maintained that she did not sign a Trust Deed with those who helped to dethrone her. She expected Colburn to make corrections, but wrong person because Colburn was part of the group who helped to dethrone her in 1893.
1959 - Non Residents, treasonous persons voted for Statehood.
U.S. President Einsenhower signed a "Executive Order" making Hawaii a State.
"The statehood vote was an attempt to hide an illegal act that began in 1893, with U.S. complicity."
"The Hawaiian Islands were foreign soil...some 2,100 miles beyond U.S. territory. Based on the international law principle of extraterritoriality, a U.S. joint resolution to annex Hawaii could not legally extend that far."
1988 - Memo from "the U.S. Justice Department issued an advisory to the Department of State in which the unconstitutional and illegal nature of the 1898 Newlands Resolution is quite clearly spelled out. The memo explains that the Senate rejected an annexation treaty that had been negotiated by President McKinley with the "Republic of Hawaii."
1996 - Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 filed at the Bureau of Conveyances 12/17/96 (281 pages) showing frauds, evidence, genealogies, etc. a "lien on all the Hawaiian Islands" by one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs -Amelia Gora.
2000 - "Justice memo shows U.S. never legally annexed Hawaii" article printed in the HONOLULU ADVERTISER, Sunday, March 12, 2000 by Steven T. Newcomb which included John Goeman's February 27 op-ed essary about the Supreme Court decision in the Rice case (which) rests on his belief that what "was annexed to the United States in 1898 was the Republic of Hawaii."
2014 - The Judicial Tribunal documented pillagers, pirates, invoking the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article XIV.
Note: Oppositions to occupation continued via the news on the web, the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk with 534 weekly news to date February 16, 2015 see theiolani.blogspot.com
2015 - Kamehameha's heirs and successors with the House of Nobles heirs and successors have since been documented.
Our Royal Families, the Kamehameha's representing the Sovereign - Permanent part of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and the House of Nobles representing the Permanent Members Heirs and Successors remain in place since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
Our House of Representatives are represented by kanaka maoli, the Konohiki around the Hawaiian Islands.
Kanaka Maoli maintaining their ancestral lands, or helping to take care of our families interests are also protected under the Foreign Affairs Office with 'Protective Orders' provided by Amelia Gora, the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal member, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative, Konohiki, Royal Families member through four (4) of Kalaniopuu's, four (4) of Kamehameha's, two (2) of Kamehameha's hanai/adopted children, and two (2) of Kaumualii's children.
Much thanks and blessings to Whistle blowers Greg Wongham (dec.), Bobby Harmon (dec.), Kili Kekumano, Raymond Kamaka (dec.), Members of the Royal Families, the House of Nobles, Williamson Chang, Leuren Moret, Karen Hudes, Vladimir Putin, John Nelson, John Goemans (dec,), Steven Newcomb, and many, many others have contributed to uncovering the Truth About the Hawaiian Islands over time.
Mahalo ke Akua, and aloha.
theiolani.blogspot.com http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037
Reference: HAWAII REPORTS (1863) Rex vs. Booth case and entered in the Kah...See More
Not Annexed - newspaper article

Tags: annexation
OCCUPY MOVEMENT AN ARMY OF THE ROTHSCHILD'S BANKERS ---they even have ads on Craigslist and move to Overthrow the U.S. Government, and other governments ----Do Not Support the OCCUPY MOVEMENT!
Leuren Moret:
The whole Occupy movement in the U.S. is a George Soros project. And it is a continuation of the colored and flowered revolutions that he funded in Central Asia, then Eastern Europe, then North Africa, then the Middle East, and so basically the United States is being overthrown right now in a silent revolution funded by George Soros who is an agent for the City of London bankers. The Rothschilds.
Dr. Fetzer: Well, elaborate on that Leuren. I mean, you know, Soros as an agent, what would the Rothschild banking system have to benefit from the Occupy movement?
L. Moret: Well, it is an overthrow of the U.S. government. The North American governments. They are even doing Occupy movements in Canada. So it is a transition. And it is a transition from civil society and more democratic governments to fascism.
This has been underway for a long time. And Tun Dr. Mahathir [bin Mohamad], the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, who Dr. Busby has also joined with us at conferences, antiwar conferences, organized by Dr. Mahathir in Malaysia, he told me about George Soros and how George Soros had gone into Southeast Asian countries and looted their economies. And he said Indonesia was the most damaged. And he said they tried to loot Malaysia, which Dr. Mahathir built that whole economy over his 22 year period as Prime Minister of Malaysia. And he said he was able to fight very hard and to protect most of the money in the economy. He said they got some, but they didn’t get very much. And so these operatives, Warren Buffet is another one, they are all operating on behalf of the international financiers. And these Soros-funded revolutions all over Central Asia and Eastern Europe and North Africa and the Middle Eas... are to destabilize governments and weaken them so that the bankers can steal more money.

Amelia Gora https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGVQJKgqgY8 for Kanaka Maoli, including Crabbe, and Ahuna
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