- President Barack ObamaSecretary of State - John KerryJudges, Governor Ige, et. als. in the Hawaiian IslandsMany Interested others
Re: Hawaiian Kingdom Record No. 2015-0212 Kamehameha's Descendants/Heirs Exists - More Evidence from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Judicial Tribunal Member, House of Nobles Member, etc, - Greetings,
- The following information shows that the land owners, title owners in the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/ Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii exists.
- This is provided for additional information supporting the Judicial Tribunal invoking the Article XIV of the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America.
- The following article was posted for the Hawaiian/kanaka maoli, other Nations, Public Notice for all to see:
Families of Kamehameha Exists .....The Crown Land Owners Exists......Pirates/Pillagers Documented ......
In the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/
Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian
Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii
Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian
Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii
Review by Amelia Gora (2015)
The following Sovereigns/Alii Nui/Hawaiian Leaders and their Families or Heirs and Successors who were all kanaka maoli are listed below.
They and their descendants/heirs are the Crown Land Owners, and not to be confused with the occupiers, entity State of Hawaii which was set up with the United States support, the Premeditation, and Conspiracy/ Pillaging, Racketeering against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.
Permanent Part of the Three Part Government:
(1) Sovereign
For clarity, the Kamehameha’s are the true heirs, the bloodlines. This includes Kamehameha, Kamehameha II - Liholiho, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho, Kamehameha V - Lot Kamehameha. Also included are all of Kamehameha’s children/ descendants/ direct bloodlines.
The Kalaniopuu’s, King Lunalilo’s, King Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani’s Families are successors due to being step children, hanai children of the Kamehameha’s.
(2) House of Nobles
Descendants/Heirs of the Permanent body:
M. Kekauonohi
A. Kealiiahonui
Keoni Ana
A. Paki
M. Kekuanaoa
W.P. Leleiohoku
C. Kanaina
Joani Ii
T. Haalilio
(3) House of Nobles - Temporary Voted-In Position. This is the part that committed treason in 1893 and moved to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani, and were supported by bankrupt U.S. and Not the United States of America who was usurped in 1871.
1782. Kalaniopuu died.
Kalaniopuu’s widows were: Kalola, Kalaiwahineuli, Kamakolunuiokalani, Mulehu, Kanekapolei, and Kekuohi/Kekupuohi
Kalola (w) - their son was Kiwalao.
Kalaiwahineuli (w) - their son was Kalaipaihala.
Kamakolunuiokalani (w) - their daughter was Pualinui.
Mulehu (w) - their daughter was Manoua/Manowa.
Kanekapolei (w) - their twin sons were Keoua Ahuula and Keous Peeale.
Kekuohi/Kekupuohi (w) - no children
All of Kalaniopuu’s; Kamehameha’s; Kaumualii’s children, hanai/ adopted children were step children of Kalaniopuu‘s widows.
Note: Did Kalaniopuu have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
1819. Kamehameha died.
Kamehameha’s widows were: Kanekapolei, Keopuolani, Kaahumanu, Kaheiheimalie, Namahana/Piia, Wahinepio, Manono, Kalola; Kekela; Kalanihulimaka; and Auhea/Kekauluohi.
Kanekapolei (w):
Kanekapolei (w) was the widow of Kalaniopuu of the Big Island. She was married to Kamehameha. She married Kuuku after Kamehameha died.
Kanekapolei (w) was the sibling of Mahihelelima/Mahi who was the kahu of Kaahumanu (w); Kaheiheimalie (w); and Namahana/Piia (w) wives of Kamehameha.
Kanekapolei (w) was the mother of Keoua Ahuula; Keoua Peeale with Kalaniopuu. She was the mother of Kaoleioku; Kanekapolei (w); and Keliiokahekili (w) with Kamehameha. She became the hanai/adopted mother of Waha/Wahawela; Keliipio; and Kamanowai when she married Kuuku.
All of Kalaniopuu’s; Kamehameha’s; Kaumualii’s children, hanai/ adopted children were step children of hers.
Note: Did Kanekapolei (w) have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Keopuolani (w):
Keopuolani had nine (9) children with Kamehameha. Only three (3) were named, the others not named. The three (3) were: Liholiho/ Kamehameha II; Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III; and Nahienaena (w).
All of Kalaniopuu’s; Kamehameha’s; Kaumualii’s children, hanai/ adopted children were step children of hers.
Keopuolani (w) married Kalanimoku and had step children: Leleiohoku/W.P. Leleiohoku; Kikau (k); and hanai child: Kekauonohi/ Miriam Kekauonohi (w).
Keopuolani (w) married Hoapilikane and had step children.
Note: Did Keopuolani (w) have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Kaahumanu (w):
All of Kalaniopuu’s; Kamehameha’s; Kaumualii’s children, hanai/ adopted children were step children of hers.
Kaahumanu (w) married Kaumualii. She also married Keliiahonui/ Kealiiahonui the oldest son of Kaumualii.
Note: Did Kaahumanu (w) have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Kaheiheimalie/Hoapiliwahine (w):
All of Kalaniopuu’s; Kamehameha’s; Kaumualii’s children, hanai/ adopted children were step children of hers.
Kaheiheimalie/Hoapiliwahine (w) was married to Kalaimamahu, brother of Kamehameha and had Auhea/Kekauluohi (w). She had Kamamalu (w); Kinau (w) with Kamehameha.
She married and had step children with Hoapilikane.
Note: Did Kaheiheimalie/Hoapiliwahine (w) have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Namahana/Piia (w):
Kaumualii of Kauai married Namahana/Piia (w) and had Haupu/ Kahekili; Kuheleaumoku; Kahai; Kanekoa; and Kaulia.
Kaumualii had other children from his previous marriage: Keliiahonui/Aarona Keliiahonui; Humehume/George Humehume; Kinoiki (w); and Nahinu (w).
Namahana/Piia (w) last marriage was to Laanui/Gideon Laanui.
All of Kalaniopuu’s; Kamehameha’s; Kaumualii’s children, hanai/ adopted children were step children of hers.
Note: Did Namahana/Piia (w) have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Wahinepio (w):
Wahinepio (w) also married Kinau (k) son of Kamehameha and had Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi (w); Maulili; and Keliikanakaole/Kanakaole;
All of Kalaniopuu’s; Kamehameha’s; Kaumualii’s children, hanai/ adopted children were step children of hers.
Note: Did Wahinepio (w) have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Manono (w):
Manono (w) widow of Kamehameha and new wife of Kekuaokalani.
Kekuaokalani, son of Keliimaikai, brother of Kamehameha opposed breaking the kapu system and his penalty was death.
Kekuaokalani’s siblings included Kuamoo/Kaonaeha (w), et als. They were also the descendants of Kalaniopuu.
Manono (w) also received a death sentence for opposing the breaking of the kapu system.
Manono (w) was the sister of Kalanimoku, Boki, Wahinepio (w), Kahikona, Kekoa, and Keoua.
All of Kalaniopuu’s; Kamehameha’s; Kaumualii’s children, hanai/ adopted children were step children of hers.
Note: Did Manono (w) have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands in the Hawaiian Islands, including the Crown Lands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Kalola (w):
All of Kalaniopuu’s; Kamehameha’s; Kaumualii’s children, hanai/ adopted children were step children of hers.
Note: Did Kalola (w) have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Kekela (w):
All of Kalaniopuu’s; Kamehameha’s; Kaumualii’s children, hanai/ adopted children were step children of hers.
Note: Did Kekela (w) have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Kalanihulimaka (w):
She had Kanekapolei (w).
All of Kalaniopuu’s; Kamehameha’s; Kaumualii’s children, hanai/ adopted children were step children of hers.
Note: Did Kalanihulimaka (w) have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Kekauluohi/Auhea (w):
All of Kalaniopuu’s; Kamehameha’s; Kaumualii’s children, hanai/ adopted children were step children of hers.
Kekauluohi/Auhea (w) married Liholiho/Kamehameha II.
Kekauluohi/Auhea (w) married Kanaina/Charles Kanaina and had William Charles Lunalilo/King Lunalilo.
Note: Did Kekauluohi/Auhea (w) have a Probate? Answer: No. Her Probate was refused by Judge Albert Francis Judd more than 25 years after she died.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Kaumualii married Kapuaamohu (w); Namahana/Piia (w) who was also a wife of Kamehameha; Kapule/Debora Kapule (w); and Kaahumanu (w).
Kaumualii had Keliiahonui/Aarona Keliiahonui; Humehume/George Humehume; Kinoiki (w); Nahinu (w); Haupu/Kahekili; Kuheleaumoku; Kahai; Kanekoa; and Kaulia.
All of Kalaniopuu’s; Kamehameha’s; children, hanai/ adopted children were step children of his because of his marriages to two (2) of Kamehameha‘s wives: Namahana/Piia (w) and her sister Kaahumanu (w).
Note: Did Kaumualii have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
1824. July 14 - Liholiho/Kamehameha II died in London, England of the measles.
He was born in 1796.
Liholiho/Kamehameha II’s wife Queen Kamamalu died six (6) days before or on July 8. - she died in London, England of the measles.
All of Kalaniopuu’s; Kamehameha’s; Kaumualii’s children, hanai/ adopted children were step children of hers.
Note: Liholiho/Kamehameha II had married one of the wives of his father, a step mother, and she brought into the relationship all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, Kaumualii’s children, stepchildren, and hanai/ adopted children into the family.
Note: Did Queen Kamamalu/Kamamalu (w) have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Liholiho/Kamehameha II left his widows: Kekauluohi/Auhea; Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi; Kapule; Pauahi; Liliha and Pali. Kamamalu, another wife, died on July 8 or 6 days before after catching the measles in England.
Liholiho/Kamehameha II’s step children were all of Kalaniopuu’s children/ step children; Kamehameha’s children/ step children; and Kaumualii’s children/ step children.
Note: Liholiho/Kamehameha II had married one of the wives of his father, a step mother, and she brought into the relationship all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, Kaumualii’s children, stepchildren, and hanai/ adopted children into the family.
His widows: Kekauluohi/Auhea; Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi; Kinau; Kapule; Pauahi; Liliha and Pali married after.
Note: Did Liholiho/Kamehameha II have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Kekauluohi/Auhea (w)
She married Kahea/Kaheakulani. Research incomplete.
She married Kanaina/Charles Kanaina. They had William Charles Lunalilo/King Lunalilo.
William Charles Lunalilo/King Lunalilo became the step sibling of all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, and Kaumualii’s children, step children and hanai hookama/adopted children who inherited sovereignty when he was born.
Note: Liholiho/Kamehameha II had married one of the wives of his father, a step mother, and she brought into the relationship all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, Kaumualii’s children, stepchildren, and hanai/ adopted children into the family.
Note: Did Kekauluohi/Auhea (w) have a Probate? Answer: No. Her Probate was refused by Judge Albert Francis Judd more than 25 years after she died.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi (w)
Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi (w)
Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi (w) married Aarona Keliiahonui/ Keliiahonui/Kealiiahonui and had a child. Appears to have been a son named Pupuka. Research incomplete.
Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi (w) had hanai /adopted daughter named Abigail Maheha (w).
Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi (w) married Levi Haalelea after Keliiahonui/Kealiiahonui/ Aarona Keliiahonui died.
Note: When Keliiahonui/Kealiiahonui/ Aarona Keliiahonui died, heirs were many because he was married to Kaahumanu (w) one of the wives of Kamehameha. He too was the step father of all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, and Kaumualii’s children, step children, and hanai hookama/ adopted children who inherited sovereignty.
Note: When Keliiahonui/Kealiiahonui/
Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi (w) was the grand daughter of Kamehameha. She had full sibling’s including Maulili; and Keliikanakaole/Kanakaole. Her hanai sibling’s included: Leleiohoku/ William Pitt Leleiohoku (son of Kalanimoku and Kiliwehi. Kalanimoku also married Kuwahine(w), and Akahi(w)); Nahuina (son of Akahi (w) who was married to Kikau, son of Nuuanu), et. Als.
Note: Liholiho/Kamehameha II had married one of the wives of his father, a step mother, and she brought into the relationship all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, Kaumualii’s children, stepchildren, and hanai/ adopted children into the family.
Note: Did Kekauonohi (w) have a Probate? Or, Was she supposed to have a Probate? Answer: No. She was a Royal Person and not subject to the laws.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Kapule (w)
Kapule (k) married Kaumualii, Kealiiahonui/Keliiahonui/ Aarona Keliiahonui, and Simon Kaiu. Their hanai/adopted daughter was Kaluaipihana (w). Research incomplete.
Note: Liholiho/Kamehameha II had married one of the wives of his father, a step mother, and she brought into the relationship all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, Kaumualii’s children, stepchildren, and hanai/ adopted children into the family.
Note: Did Kapule (w) have a Probate? Or, Was she supposed to have a Probate? Answer: No. She was a Royal Person and not subject to the laws.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Pauahi (w)
Pauahi (w) married Kahalaia, a Kamehameha. Pauahi (w) also married Mataio Kekuanaoa and had Ruth Keelikolani/Ruta/ Luka/Keelikolani (w). Her older brother was Paalua (k) son of Mataio Kekuanaoa.
Note: Liholiho/Kamehameha II had married one of the wives of his father, a step mother, and she brought into the relationship all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, Kaumualii’s children, stepchildren, and hanai/ adopted children into the family.
Note: Did Pauahi (w) have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Liliha (w)
Liliha (w) married Boki, brother of Kalanimoku.
Liliha (w) was married to Namaile/Kalaniulumoku, brother of Abner Paki, sons of Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki, son of Kamehameha.
Liliha (w) was also the mother/step mother of Abigail Maheha (w), Jane Loeau (w); Alapai (k); Kaluaikau (w); Kalola (w); P.F. Koakanu/ Pius F. Koakanu, et. Als.
Note: Liholiho/Kamehameha II had married one of the wives of his father, a step mother, and she brought into the relationship all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, Kaumualii’s children, stepchildren, and hanai/ adopted children into the family.
Additional Note: Kalola (w) was the “next of kin” to Bernice Pauahi Bishop thru her father’s lines. Kalola’s (w) siblings families were also the “next of kin” to Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was Not the “last of the Kamehameha’s”.
Note: Did Liliha (w) have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
Pali (w)
Pali (w) married Keawe, and married Antone Sylva. Pali (w) children /step children included David Keawe/Davis Sylva, George D. Sylva, Keo/ George Sylva/Silveira, Huakini Sylva/Silveira, et. Als. Research incomplete.
Note: Liholiho/Kamehameha II had married one of the wives of his father, a step mother, and she brought into the relationship all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, Kaumualii’s children, stepchildren, and hanai/ adopted children into the family.
Note: Did Pali (w) have a Probate? Answer: No.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
She was married to Kaumualii of Kauai who had been married to Kamehameha, married to A. Kealiiahonui/ Kealiiahonui who was married to Kaahumanu, one of the widows of Kamehameha.
Note: Did Kapule/Debora Kapule (w) have a Legal Probate? Answer: No. She was a Royal Person and not subject to the laws.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
1854 - December 15. Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III died. His names were Kauikeaouli, Kaleopapa, Kuakamanolani, Mahinalani, Kalaninuiwaiakua, Keaweaweulaokalani.
He was born in 1813.
He married Nahienaena, his sister; Kekualoa; Gina Lahilahi; and Kalama.
His children were: Keaweaweula1 and Keaweaweula 2d (both died in infancy); Opunui, Kekipi, Keawe, Mahoe, Kahalaoa, Papa, Nalimu, and Albert Kunuiakea. His stepchildren were Kahue (w), Pohihi (w), and Peter Kekuaokalani. His hanai/adopted children were: Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV; Hueu Davis; Kale Davis; and Peke Davis. Their siblings were all of Kamehameha’s children, step-children.
His sibling’s were all of Kalaniopuu’s children, step children; all of Kamehameha’s children, step children, and hanai/adopted children; all of Kaumualii’s children; step children; Kalanimoku’s children/ step children/ hanai /adopted children; and Hoapili (k) children, stepchildren.
Note: Did Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli have a Legal Probate? Answer: No. He was a Royal Person and not subject to the laws.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
1863. November 30 - Kamehameha IV - Alexander, Kalani-Kua-Liholiho, Iolani-Maka-O-Louli, Kunuiakea, Kukailimoku, Alexander Liholiho - died at the Palace.
He was born on February 9, 1834.
He was adopted at birth by Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III.
His wife was Emma Kaleleonalani/Queen Emma the daughter of Fanny Kekela and Naea. Emma was adopted by Dr. TCB Rooke. Dr. TCB Rooke was the second husband of Grace Kamaikui, sister of Emma’s mother Fanny Kekela. They were the children of John Young/Olohana.
Grace Kamaikui/Kamaikui/Kalukona’s first marriage was to Isaac Davis and their children were: Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis. They were the sibling’s of Emma/Queen Emma. They were adopted by John Young/Olohana, Kamehameha and they were also the hanai hookama/adopted with inherited sovereignty of Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III, or the hanai siblings of Alexander Liholiho - Kamehameha IV.
Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho’s siblings were Paalua; Ruth Keelikolani; Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V; David Kamehameha; Moses Kaikioewa; Victoria Kamamalu; stepsiblings: John Kapena, Sam Kapena, Umiokalani, Alenoho; hanai: Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis all siblings of Kamehameha’s descendants/heirs; stepsiblings.
His mother was Kinau (w) who had been married to Kamehameha II - Liholiho and they were the step parents of all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, and Kaumualii’s children, step children, and hanai/adopted children.
His mother also married Mataio Kekuanaoa, a descendant of Kaumualii of Kauai, part of the Royal Families.
Note: Did Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV have a Legal Probate? Answer: No. He was a Kamehameha descendant, a Royal Person and not subject to the laws.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
1872 - December 11. Kamehameha V - Lot Kamehameha Kapuaiwa died in the Iolani Palace, Honolulu, Oahu.
He was born on December 11, 1830.
His mother Kinau, a Kamehameha descendant, was married to Liholiho - Kamehameha II who married Mataio Kekuanaoa, one of the descendants of Kaumualii of Kauai, a Royal Family member.
His siblings were Paalua; Ruth Keelikolani; Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV; David Kamehameha; Moses Kaikioewa; Victoria Kamamalu; stepsiblings: John Kapena, Sam Kapena, Umiokalani, Alenoho; hanai: Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis all siblings of Kamehameha’s descendants/heirs; stepsiblings.
Reference: HAWAIIAN GAZETTE 12/11/1872, p.2, c.1
ADVERTISER 12/14/1872, p.2, c.2
HAWAIIAN GAZETTE 12/18/1872, page 2
ADVERTISER 12/14/1872, p.2, c.2
HAWAIIAN GAZETTE 12/18/1872, page 2
Note: Did Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V have a Legal Probate? Answer: No. He was a Kamehameha descendant. He was a Royal Person and not subject to the laws.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
1874 - February 3 - William Charles Lunalilo/King Lunalilo died.
His mother was Kekauluohi/Auhea and father was Charles Kanaina.
His mother, Kekauluohi/Auhea was married to Kamehameha, and Kamehameha II - Liholiho before Charles Kanaina and was the step mother to all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, and Kaumualii’s children, step children, hanai/adopted children.
His step-sibling’s included all of Kamehameha’s children, step-children and hanai. His mother Kekauluohi/Auhea was married to both Kamehameha and Kamehameha II - Liholiho.
Note: Did William Charles Lunalilo/King Lunalilo have a Legal Probate? Answer: No. His mother Kekauluohi/Auhea was the step mother of all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, and Kaumualii’s children, step children, and hanai /adopted children.
His father Charles Kanaina was made heir of Queen Kalama’s Estate, and she was married to Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli. Queen Kalama’s, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli’s descendants/heirs existed and disregarded by the treasonous, conspirator documented Judges.
His father Charles Kanaina was made heir of Queen Kalama’s Estate, and she was married to Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli. Queen Kalama’s, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli’s descendants/heirs existed and disregarded by the treasonous, conspirator documented Judges.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
1891. January 20 - King Kalakaua/David Laamea Kananakapu Mahinulani Naloiaehuakalani Lumialani died.
References: PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER 1/30/1891, page 2
THE FRIEND February 1891
HAWAIIAN GAZETTE February 17, 1891
HAWAIIAN GAZETTE February 17, 1891
He was born on November 16, 1836.
He was married to Kalele (w) and had Kamaka (w) and Kaopu (k).
He married Kapiolani (w) who had an adopted son named Kahanu (k).
Alone, Kalakaua adopted two (2) children: Augustine Nuhi, and Mathias Rose.
Note: Did King Kalakaua have a Legal Probate? Answer: No.
Because his mother was a hanai/adopted daughter of one of Kamehameha’s descendants, he became part of the Royal Families and not subject to the laws.
His mother was also part of the Permanent members of the House of Nobles, a Permanent part of the Hawaiian Government. There were only two (2) parts that were permanent: 1) Sovereign - heirs and successors; 2) House of Nobles - heirs and successors. The last part or 3rd part of the Three (3) Part government was the voted in, temporary part called the House of Representatives.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
1917. November 11 - Liliuokalani, Lydia Kamakaeha Kaolanialii Newewelii/Queen Liliuokalani/Kaeha died.
Reference: PARADISE OF THE PACIFIC, January 1918, pgs. 11-15
Note: Did Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani(w) have a Legal Probate? Answer: No.
She maintained that she did not sign a Trust Deed with Samuel Damon, Curtis Iaukea, William Smith et. Als. And that statement showed up in her Will.
Her mother A. Keohokalole was a hanai /adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant and she was a Permanent member of the House of Nobles.
Queen Liliuokalani was Abner Paki’s and Konia’s adopted/hanai daughter. They were both Kamehameha descendants.
Queen Liliuokalani was a Royal Person and not subject to the laws.
Meaning: Heirs exists, the Title to lands, including the Crown Lands in the Hawaiian Islands belongs to the Families of Kamehameha.
The overall study of the Royal Families shows mega fraud, criminal malfeasance by specific problematic people including the Judges/Justices who did conspire against the Royal Families and claimed that their rules became laws.
There are no statutes of limitations when it comes to fraud. Additionally, the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America is a permanent friendship treaty in which Article XIV can be applied.
Duress, stress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation, genocide, piracy, pillaging are documented. Duress means that all illegal contracts are null, void, etc.
Our Queen Liliuokalani, subjects loyal to the Queen, friends, were under stress, duress, etc.
The Crown Land owners exists and proven through intensive and extensive genealogy, history, and legal research.
This is additional evidence/proof for the Royal Families, Kamehameha's descendants/heirs and successors, the Judicial Tribunal, the House of Nobles, Konohiki's, kanaka maoli in support of their land titles, Hawaiian Genealogical Society - Hawaiian Kingdom and for our friends in other nations who have or will have Treaty(ies) with us.
Rents and leases are due from the entity State of Hawaii, the United States, etc.
Bruddah Waltah - Keep Hawaiian Lands In Hawaiian Hands
https://www.google.com/search? q=rex+vs.+booth+case+picture+ by+ameli... and articles posted by Amelia Gora
Replies to This Discussion
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 7 hours ago
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=jSFLZ-MzIhM Muppet Movie - The Rainbow Connection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5AUm_xaE9A Samba Pa Ti/Song for You
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 7 hours ago
Cecilio and Kapono - Song for Someone
- 6 years ago
Cecilio & Kaponhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnxSxYwBvN8 Cecelio and Kapono About You - Questions? email: theiolani@gmail.com or
- P.O. Box 861781
- Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaiian Kingdom 96786
- Sincerely,
- Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Judicial Tribunal Member, House of Nobles Member, etc,
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