Sunday, September 27, 2015

Kanaka Maoli Alodio/Lodial/Ano Alodio Land Reclamation - Important Keeper



                                                                               Compiled by Researchers including Amelia Gora (2012)
Sovereign Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III in 1848 helped to set up the Mahele also called the Great Mahele.
The lands had belonged to the Sovereign, Kamehameha, his father; then Liholiho, his brother.
Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III didn't need to share the lands to others but did.
He shared lands to the people and the project was called the Mahele which was divided into three parts:   1) konohiki and hoaina,  2) government, aside from reserving a portion to himself called the 3) Crown Lands.
The lands were Ano Alodio lands which remains forever to the assigned owner, his descendants/heirs....Kanaka Maoli are and remain the true, legal title holders.
Their descendants/heirs should maintain the following important documents in their possession:
   1) Royal Patents - xerox, certified copy
   2)  Land Commission awards - xerox, certified copy
   3)  Survey Notes - xerox, certified copy
The top three are prima facie evidence of specific land ownership.  Also needed as evidence are:
   4)  Genealogies - direct connect to ancestor
   5)  Affidavit/Lien of Genealogies - file at the Bureau of Conveyances
Additional Documents:
Court Cases showing case precedence;
Add the HRS/Hawaii Revised Statutes 172.11 in which the property "inures" to the descendants;
Protective Orders from the House of Nobles ---- many kanaka maoli have this with their documents.
Like Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, her Kanaka Maoli subjects and others were under stress, duress, usurpation, and coercion..........the ramifications of duress includes being null and void.  The following is the legal meaning of duress:

duress legal definition of duressduress synonyms by the Free ...

Unlawful pressure exerted upon a person to coerce that person to perform an act that he or she ordinarily would not perform. Duress also encompasses the ...
(also see reference article below)
There are a web of contacts on all for specific persons.
Additional info for all:
Empowerment with knowledge/information posted for all to read, learn, share..........and watching good videos such as:
  1. Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from ...

    In Overthrow, Stephen Kinzer tells the stories of the audacious politicians, spies, military commanders, and business executives who took it upon themselves to ...
  2. Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change ... - Democracy Now!
    Apr 21, 2006 – Author Stephen Kinzer discusses his new book, "Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq." In it, he writes that the ...
    You visited this page on 1/23/12.
  3. Part II...Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from ...
    May 8, 2006 – Author Stephen Kinzer discusses his book, "Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq." In it, Kinzer writes that over ...
  4. Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to ...

     Rating: 4 - 249 reviews
    In Overthrow, Stephen Kinzer tells the stories of the audacious politicians, spies, military commanders, and business executives who took it upon themselves to ...
  5. Stephen Kinzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Kinzer has written several non-fiction books about Turkey, Central America, Iran, the US overthrow of foreign governments from the late 19th century to the ...
  6. Help w/ book Overthrow by Kinzer. What patterns are present in the ...

    No answers - Apr 23
    Kinzer states that history doesn't repeat itself, but it delights in patterns and symmetries. What are the main patterns that are present in the U.S. ...
  7. Author Kinzer Charts 'Century of Regime Change' : NPR

    Apr 5, 2006 – Excerpt: 'Overthrow'. by Stephen Kinzer. Introduction. Why does a strong nation strike against a weaker one? Usually because it seeks to ...
  8. Overthrow: America's Century Of Regime ... - YaleGlobal Online

    Juxtaposing vivid details, Kinzer reveals patterns behind the overthrow of ... In "OverthrowKinzer allows the instigators to speak for themselves, blunt comments ...
  9. ZCommunications | Stephen Kinzer's Overthrow by Site ...
    This is exactly the problem, though writ much larger, that Stephen Kinzer's latest book, Overthrow: America 's Century of Regime C hange from Hawaii to Iraq ...
  10. Overthrow, by Stephen Kinzer « John's Blog
    Oct 20, 2007 – Overthrow, by Stephen Kinzer. I read Kinzer's All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror a few years ago, and ...
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September 21, 2011 at 18:20:48

Exploring Legal Terms and Reviewing Royal Families Duress, Genocide Issues

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exploring meanings, etc. for the Sovereigns, House of Nobles descendants/ Heirs in the Hawaiian Islands, etc. 2/3 of the Hawaiian Government is based on the hereditary rights of the Royal Families.
EXPLORING LEGAL TERMS IN AN INDOCTRINATED SOCIETY.......... Starting with Duress, Royal person, Prerogative, Sovereign Immunity, etc.
EXPLORING LEGAL TERMS IN AN INDOCTRINATED SOCIETY (Hawaiian Islands).......... Starting with Duress, Royal person, Prerogative, Sovereign Immunity, etc.
                                                                                          compiled by Amelia Gora (2011)
The legal terminologies have gone through changes over time, a deliberate evolution due to the "have not's" (people who have no claims to be part of our 3,000+ years old society) wanting what the "haves have" (people who have claims to ancestors from our 3,000+ years old society).
What is an indoctrinated society?  A society/group of people who are indoctrinated:
Definition of INDOCTRINATE
transitive verb
: to instruct especially in fundamentals or rudiments : teach
: to imbue with a usually partisan or sectarian opinion, point of view, or principle
-- in -doc -tri -na -tion noun
-- in -doc -tri -na -tor noun
  1. The goal should be to teach politics , rather than to indoctrinate students in a narrow set of political beliefs.
  2. em>indoctrinated children in proper safety procedures>
probably from Middle English endoctrinen, from Anglo-French endoctriner, from en- + doctrinedoctrine
First Known Use: 1626
Next Word in the Dictionary: indoctrine 
Previous Word in the Dictionary: indocile 
All Words Near: indoctrinate
Let's look at Legal Terms that applied to a Monarchy, Constitutional Monarchy or the Hawaiian Government since 1810 thru 1893.  The pirated 1/3 of the House of Representatives part of the Hawaiian Government from 1893 to present:

Restraint or danger, actually inflicted or impending, which is sufficient in severity or apprehension to deprive a person of free choice, destroy his volition, or obtain consent only in form.
Under the law, a person is not guilty of a crime if he participated only because he believed, and had good reason to believe, that he would be seriously harmed if he did not participate and had no other way of escaping serious harm. The burden is on the government to prove the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. To find someone guilty, therefore, there must be proof beyond a reasonable doubt that when he participated in the offense, he did not have a reasonable belief that such participation was the only way he could save himself from serious harm.
An actual or a threatened violence or restraint of a man's person, contrary to law, to compel him to enter into a contract, or to discharge one.
Some divide duress into two sorts:
First. Duress of imprisonment, where a man actually loses his liberty. If a man be illegally deprived of his liberty until he sign and seal a bond, or the like, he may allege this duress, and avoid the bond. But, if a man be legally imprisoned, and either to procure his discharge, or on any other fair account, seal a bond or a deed, this is not by duress of imprisonment, and he is not at liberty to avoid it.
Second. Duress per minas, which is either for fear of loss of life, or else for fear of mayhem, or loss of limb,; and this must be upon a sufficient reason. In this case, a man way avoid his own act. Lord Coke enumerates four instances in which a man may avoid his own act by reason of menaces: 1. For fear of loss of life; 2. Of member; 3. Of mayhem; 4. Of imprisonment.
It is not every degree of violence or any hind of threats, that will invalidate a contract; they must be such as would naturally operate on a person of ordinary firmness, and inspire a just fear of great injury to person, reputation or fortune. The age, sex, state of health; temper and disposition of the party, and 0ther circumstances calculated to give greater or less effect to the violence or threats, must be taken into consideration.
A contract by violence or threats, is void, although the party in whose favor the contract is made, and not exercise the violence or make the threats, and although he were ignorant of them.
Violence or threats are cause of nullity, not only where they are exercised on the contracting party, but when the wife, the hushand, the descendants or ascendants of the party are the object of them.
If the violence used be only a legal constraint, or the threats only of doing that which the party using them had a right to do, they shall not invalidate the contract A just and legal imprisonment, or threats of any measure authorized by law, and the circumstances of the case, are of this description.
But the mere forms of law to cover coercive proceedings for an unjust and illegal cause, if used or threatened in order to procure the assent to a contract, will invalidate it; an arrest without cause of action, or a demand of bail in an unreasonable sum, or threat of such proceeding, by this rule invalidate a contract made under their pressure.
All the above articles relate to cases where there may be some other motive besides the violence or threats for making the contract. When, however, there is no other cause for making the contract, any threats, even of slight injury, will invalidate it.
Note:  Our Monarchs were under duress, stress, usurpation, and coercion.
Let us focus on both King David Kalakaua who was forced to sign the 1887 Constitution and his sister Queen Liliuokalani who after signing the 1893 Constitution was dethroned.  She did tear up the Constitution and a purported one was put together by conspirators/treasonous persons and recorded by U.S. Congress thereafter. 
Both were under duress.  The usurpers were guilty of causing duress upon the Monarchs from a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.  Furthermore, the usurpers did premeditate their actions which were supported, encouraged, made by a bankrupt, bully nation U.S., supported by England, and the Morgan bankers their investors.
Let us move to present day duress of which there were and are many, many examples.
Let us look at the descendants/heirs of the Sovereigns and descendants/heirs of the House of Nobles, the second branch of government.  Only the Sovereign and the House of Nobles are the Permanent parts of government, which is hereditary.  The third and last part was the House of Representatives voted in by the people/voters, and this branch was temporary, unlike the permanent hereditary positions.
After passing thru a metal screening device to enter the Circuit Court building, the hereditary descendants/heirs of Sovereigns and House of Nobles entered into the Court hearing whereas the State of Hawaii representing the elected /voted in positions of the House of Representatives Judge placed in position without the affirmation by the permanent hereditary group moved to make a decision on expunging a lien of the Crown lands which was made before the Supreme Court case whose Judge in place declared the State of Hawaii could sell the lands.
Members of the Sovereigns and House of Nobles descendants/heirs moved to speak and the Judge reluctantly listened.
One member tried to speak up and cited Title 18 and Title 42 in defense of everyone's claims and  a Sheriff undid his leather belt exposing his gun.
Members of the Sovereigns and House of Nobles descendants/heirs were under immediate duress.
Pass through a metal screening device had already showed that they were unarmed, yet, the armed Sheriff exposed his gun as a further threat upon all Members of the Sovereigns and House of Nobles descendants/heirs.
Although this is a cause for  police report, etc.  This is also cause for terminating the case against Royal persons who have Sovereign Immunity, etc. because these members represent 2/3 of the Hawaiian Government of hereditary rights and are not subject to the laws to begin with!
Royal person -  "not subject to the laws" as documented in Victoria Kamamalu's Probate pages 14-15.  Mataio Kekuanaoa, our ancestor, referred to the Status of another  Kamehameha descendant named Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V.

The privilege, preeminence, or advantage which one person has over another; thus a person vested with an office, is entitled to all the rights, privileges, prerogatives, etc. which belong to it.
English law. The royal prerogative is an arbitrary power vested in the executive to do good and not evil.
A doctrine precluding the institution of a suit against the sovereign [government] without its consent. Though commonly believed to be rooted in English law, it is actually rooted in the inherent nature of power and the ability of those who hold power to shield themselves.
In England it was predicated on the concept that "the sovereign can do no wrong", a concept developed and enforced by guess who? However, since the American revolution explictedly rejected this interesting idea, the American rulers had to come up with another rationale to protect their power. One they came up with is that the "sovereign is exempt from suit [on the] practical ground that there can be no legal right against the authority that makes the law on which the right depends." 205 U.S. 349, 353.
"[S]tatutes waiving the sovereign immunity of the United States must be'construed strictly in favor of the sovereign." McMahon v. United States, 342 U.S. 25, 27 (1951).
11 U.S.C. S 106, "Waiver of Sovereign Immunity," provides:
(a) A governmental unit is deemed to have waived sovereign immunity with respect to any claim against such governmental unit that is property of the estate and that arose out of the same transaction or occurrence out of which such governmental unit's claim arose.
The interest served by federal sovereign immunity (the United States' freedom from paying damages without Congressional consent)
Federal sovereign immunity is readily distinguishable from the states' immunity under the Eleventh Amendment and foreign governments' immunity under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. The latter two doctrines allow one sovereign entity the right to avoid, altogether, being subjected to litigation in another sovereign's courts. Pullman Constr., 23 F.3d at 1169. Similar sovereignty concerns are not implicated by the maintenance of suit against the United States in federal court. Federal sovereign immunity has had such broad exceptions carved out of it that, as Pullman Construction concluded, "Congress, on behalf of the United States, has surrendered any comparable right not to be a litigant in its own courts." Id. In the present day, federal sovereign immunity serves merely to channel litigation into the appropriate avenue for redress, ensuring that "No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law." Pullman Constr. at 1168 (quoting Art. I, section 9, cl. 7).
Federal sovereign immunity is a defense to liability rather than a right to be free from trial.
The Supreme Court has ruled that in a case involving the government's sovereign immunity the statute in question must be strictly construed in favor of the sovereign and may not be enlarged beyond the waiver its language expressly requires. See United States v. Nordic Village, Inc., 503 U.S. 30, 33-35 (1992).
In the case of the State of Hawaii Judge with assistant Sheriff's help, the fact of the matter is that the State of Hawaii Judge and Sheriff are illegal parties to the claims of the Permanent bodies, descendants of the Hawaiian Governments Sovereigns, and House of Nobles.
The State of Hawaii is a sham, a organized, racketeering, premeditation based group of conspirators, treasonous persons operating on Fraud, deceit, immorality, non-integrity, Piracy(ies) in the Hawaiian Islands perpetuating lies, deceit, criminal malfeasance, racketeering  indoctrinating all people in the Hawaiian Islands, in the U.S., and the World Today.
They are but a group of genocide activists, armed, hostile criminals parading like buffoons likened to the Emperor With No Clothes, and causing terror amongst the true land owners, the true descendants of the Sovereigns, House of Nobles existing today.
Is there hope for the brainwashed, indoctrinated citizens here and the World today?  Perhaps.
Note:  In time, people will know the truth..............because our people were and remain under duress, stress, usurpation, and coercion by genocide activists..........
Additional References:

Kamehameha III's First Laws found at the Mission Houses Archives, behind Kawaiahao Church : id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wZGIyMmNkNTMtZTczZ i0... 
****************************** *********** 
Premeditation to Assume Pearl Harbor Coaling Station/the Hawaiian Islands - a Standing Order by Congress Eight (8) days BEFORE DETHRONING QUEEN LILIUOKALANI in 1893: 
Page 1: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wZmFmMWE3YjEtNTAwM y0... 
Page 2: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2RlYzdiOWMtNWJkY S0... 
****************************** ******
President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2JkZjMxMzEtMDIyN i0... 
****************************** ***** 
Genealogies 1867 (first part) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wMzBiZGJhMjMtY2FmZ C0... 
Genealogies 1867 (second part) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wZDBjMDAyNjktMWQ1M i0... 
Genealogies 1867 (third and last part) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wOTRlZmNhMDEtNGFkM S0... 
Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wOGJmZjg4MmQtNWRjM S0... 
Annexation Opposition (page 2) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNWVlMTc0MjEtZWZiZ S0... 
Annexation Opposition (page 3) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wY2RjYzZmNjQtMjUxY i0... 
Annexation Opposition (page 4) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNmY2Mzk3ZTctZDEyM y0... 
The Hawaiian Disgrace archive-free/pdf?res= F70A1FF7345D117... 
Shameful Conspiracy id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2Y2YjAwOTItOTEwM C0... 
Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Treasonous Person introduced Statehood in 1920 id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wMzY0NzE3ZDUtZGE5M i0... 
Reasons Why Anyone Can Document/Press Charges/ Document Pirates
******************************   *****
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Congress Premeditated Declared War upon a Neutral, Non Violent, Friendly Nation
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One World Order = The Monroe Doctrine Extended
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Animosities in the Hawaiian Islands - Cartoons of Queen Liliuokalani depicted as a "Nigger" , etc.
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Wiki Leaks: It Was All About Oil includes my article(s)
EVIDENCE on Why the Entity State of Hawaii Is Not the Hawaiian Government
****************************** ***************

Take action -- click here to contact your local newspaper or congress people:
2/3 of the Hawaiian Government is based on Royal Families
Researcher (history, genealogy(ies), and legal), Writer, Editor, Publisher of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web from Hawaii.
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author
and do not necessarily reflect those of this website or its editors.
  May 13, 2012 at 8:18am

Brief Land Documents Checklist

The descendants/heirs should maintain the following important documents in their possession:
 _____  1) Royal Patents - xerox, certified copy
 _____  2)  Land Commission awards - xerox, certified copy
______   3)  Survey Notes - xerox, certified copy
The top three are prima facie evidence of specific land ownership.  Also needed as evidence are:
______   4)  Genealogies - direct connect to ancestor
______   5)  Affidavit/Lien of Genealogies - file at the Bureau of Conveyances
Additional Documents:
_______ 6) Court Cases showing case precedence - see case precedence under Laws Applied ( only for Kanaka Maoli use - contact for information) see Reference Section.
_______ 7) Add the HRS/Hawaii Revised Statutes 172.11 in which the property "inures" to the descendants --see Reference Section.  
_______ 8) Protective Orders from the House of Nobles, a permanent branch of the Hawaiian Kingdom, descendants/heirs of the original members, also descendants/heirs of many of the land holding Alii who are the true owners, the title owners.  Many kanaka maoli have this with their documents.    Questions?  
    for these documents because these are recorded for Kanaka Maoli by the House of Nobles  
             member(s) - the Original House of Nobles descendants/heirs supporting all Kanaka Maoli's land claims, etc.
Note:  We have genealogies, proof of family bloodlines and because we are also descendants/heirs of the original House of Nobles, we also 1)  recognize the permanent/perpetual Treaty(ies) with the U.S.A., and many other nations, and 2) we maintain a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation status along with Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III; Alexander Liholiho - Kamehameha IV; Lot Kamehameha - Kamehameha V; King William Lunalilo; King David Kalakaua; and Queen Liliuokalani. 
 new website for information  ---  law links, Protective Orders ....Kanaka Maoli will need to contact for links, etc.  aloha.
Posted on Facebook:  Project "Heirs of Tutu's Aina" in place.........aloha.

The following article was posted in the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk.

This message is being sent again because the EXHIBIT section was not covered.

The legal documents should contain the following in the following order:

1) Cover page (covers ancestors name, RP/Royal Patent Number, LCA/ Land Commission Award number

2) Affidavit/Certification (family genealogies)

3) Heirs and Assigns page

4) EXHIBITS (Write EXHIBITS in top right hand corner):
a. RP/Royal Patent LCA/Land Commission Award brief history (shows names of deceased owners and successors)
b. Survey Notes (obtain from the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii) which shows the map, dimensions of the land(s). (ask the Archivist how to obtain your survey notes..... also ask how to look at the books available documenting awards from the Great Mahele/ Kamehameha III period, an extra step to take is to find out the testimonies in regards to the parcel(s)/lands belonging to your families.


6) Xerox two (2) or more sets. The notary usually wants to do only two (2) for a set. If more copies are needed for family members, you could make copies after the notary signs the documents, and even after the filing is completed.

7) obtain a notary signature from your Credit Union, bank --- First Hawaiian Bank has a preferred customer account that you may be able to qualify for......worth it because the cost of a Notary will be nothing/ the Credit Unions and some banks also give free notary signature......cousin paid about $50 a couple of weeks ago ---$5 per notary signature.

8) take the two (2) sets of documents to the Bureau of Conveyances, Regular System section and pay $25 for a set which covers up to 20 pages. Any amount of pages over 20 will cost $1 per page.

9) The Bureau of Conveyances located on Punchbowl Street is open in the mornings till 3:30 p.m. They do not accept documents later than that time. (Mondays-Fridays (Holidays closed)).

aloha and malama pono.

p.s. Kindly disperse info/e-mail(s) to all your families/friends/other Hawaiian aboriginal /kanaka maoli.


IMPORTANT... ......... ..I M P O R T A N T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IMPORTANT!



Prepare your legal documents through Affidavits/Certific ations utilizing the following format after documenting your genealogies, notarizing your signature and file by paying $25 for 20 pages at the Bureau of Conveyances, Miller Street, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

The format, including updated JURAT page:

********* **
Aboriginal Hawaiians/kanaka maoli land claims. Use the following as an example only... insert your own names, genealogies, etc in your documentation:

The following pages are formats to be used in filing documents at the Bureau of Conveyances. The cost is $25 for 20 pages. The hours of filing is Monday thru Fridays until 3:30 P.M.

page 1


____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___

He Mokupuni Pae Aina O Hawaii
c/o Francis Keoua Gora, Amelia Kuulei Gora
P.O Box 861066
Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii 96786 Total Pages: ____________

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___

Declaration/ Affidavit/ Notice of Francis Keoua Gora,
Declaration/ Affidavit/ Notice of Amelia Kuulei Gora,
Kamehameha III to (your ancestors name)

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

Affecting the right, title and interest of the lands under the name Leileiohoku, etals., the Public Land Trust, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, STATE OF HAWAII & ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING INTEREST IN THESE LANDS, in and to the property filed in the Office of the Assistant Registrar of the Land Court as follows:

(on to page 2)

Declaration/ Affidavit
of Heirs & Assigns
(your ancestors name)

Notice is hereby given in the presence of the almighty
Iesu Kristo and beffore, during and after the expressed truth is
submitted in this undertaking, that in the _______day of _September_in the
year of our lord two thousand and seven, that the following declaration
in the form of an affidavit is made first hand knowledge in truth, with
clean hands and in good faith. However, if for any reason this
document should raise any questions as to form, as a declaration or an
affidavit then the requirement is made for the benefit of the contents within
this file to support the latter and their heirs and or assigns,
Kamehameha III to (your ancestors name/name land is under)

Heirs and Assigns of (your ancestors name/name land under)

1. WHEREAS; ______, aka's, kane is the son of _________, kane and __________, wahine.
2. WHEREAS;____ _______, aka's, kane is the husband of _____, wahine.
3. WHEREAS; ________, kane is the son of __________, kane and _____, wahine, and is by and through his birth, a direct heir and assign having and holding a perfect interest and rights to(your ancestors names) ________, kane and _________, wahine.
4. WHEREAS; _____, kane is the husband of ____________ , wahine.
5. WHEREAS; ______, kane is the paternal father of __________, kane
and is by and through his birth, direct heir and assign having and holding a perfect
interest and rights to __________, kane and _________, wahine.
6. WHEREAS; _______, Kane is the paternal father of ____________ _, wahine and is by and through her birth, a direct heir and assign having and holding a perfect interest
and rights to _________, kane and _________, wahine.
7. WHEREAS; ____________ _____, wahine is the maternal mother of ______,kane, and is by and through his birth, a direct heir and assign having and holding a perfect interest and rights to _______, kane and ___________, wahine.
8. WHEREAS; ____________ ___, wahine is the maternal mother of ________, kane and is by and through his birth, a direct heir and assign having and holding a perfect interest and rights to (your ancestors names/ancestors whose name is on the lands, kane and __________, wahine.
9. WHEREAS; __________, kane is the
paternal father of ____________ __, wahine and is by and through his birth, a direct heir and assign having and holding a perfect interest and rights to (ancestors names/ancestors whose name is on the lands) kane and ____________ _, wahine.
10. WHEREAS; ____________ ____, kane is the paternal father of ____________ _, kane and is by and through his birth, a direct heir and assign having and holding a perfect interest and rights to (your ancestors names/ancestors whos name is on the lands), kane and _________, wahine.

(end of 2nd or 3rd page)

page 3 or 4:

(your name)

(your name/spouse name) (Wahine) (H1) ________(Kane)

1A. ____________ ___ (Wahine or kane)

2A. ____________ ____(Wahine or Kane)


2a1. __________ (Wahine or Kane)
2a2. __________ (Wahine or Kane)
2a3. ___________( Wahine or Kane)
2a4. ____________ (Wahine or Kane)

3A. ____________ _________ _(Wahine or Kane)

4A. ____________ _________ __(Wahine or Kane)

5A. ____________ _________ __(Wahine or Kane)


(end of page)

page 5 /6 +

ROYAL PATENT / RP and LCA/Land Commission Awards Brief History

RP 356 LCA 2113

Kamehameha III to Keawe

Keawe (dec.)

son: David Keawe (dec.)

grandaughter: Mele Keawe (dec.)

great grandaughter: Mary Kauweloa (dec.)

Successors/Surviving descendants:

great great grandaughter: Mary XXXX

great great great grandaughter: Amelia XXXX

great great great great grandaughter(s)/grandson(s): names

---end of page---

page 5 or 6


/Acknowledgement of Notary for identification purposes only

He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii )
(132+ islands since 1810)


State of Hawaii )
: SS.
City and County of Honolulu )

I, Me, We, Amelia Kuulei Gora, Francis Keoua Gora, heir(s) and assign(s) on our own
unlimited free will and act found to be in good and due form, hereby certify attest assert and
declare, as witness by all our hands and seals, that I, me, we have read the above
Declaration/ Affidavit and all know the contents to be correct and complete and not
misleading, to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth in the presence of God.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the heirs have executed these documents in accordance with the
above paragraph on this ___5th___ day of ____September_ __, 2007.

____________ _________ _________ ________
Amelia Kuulei Gora, Heir

____________ _________ _________ _________
Francis Keoua Gora, Heir

: SS.

On this ___5th____ day of ____September_ __, 2007, before me personally
appeared Amelia Kuulei Gora, and Francis Keoua Gora, to me known to be the persons
described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledges that the State
Notary Public is for identification purposes only. Use of Notary Public does not authorize
the jurisdiction of any entity over the heirs. The heirs are the sovereign bodies of the Royal
Families of the Crown of He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii, as established by H.R.M. King
Kamehameha III son of H.R.M. King Kamehameha I, who entered into International Treaty
with the United States signed at Washington December 20, 1849, ratified by the President
of the United States on February 4, 1850 and entered into force August 24, 1850.

____________ _________ _________ _________ _____
Notary Public, State of Hawaii

My Commission expires:____ _________ _________ _

Print name of Notary: ____________ _________ _____

end of page________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

*note: credits to Cousins Nani/Ewalani K.; Alfred Spinney; Shane Lee; others from Maui, Big Island, Molokai, etc.


Tags: AlodioAnoPatentsRoyal
Views: 273

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See #6 Case Precendence --- the following should be printed, kept with the above documents:



Superintendent of Government Survey, 1891.
by Amelia Gora (2012), one of Kamehameha's, House of Nobles members descendants/heirs, permanent parts of the Hawaiian Government, Crown Lands owners, caretakers, etc.
"The ancient system of land titles in the Hawaiian Islands was entirely different from that of tribal ownership prevailing in New Zealand, and from the village or communal system of Samoa, but bore a remarkable resemblance to the feudal system that prevailed in Europe during the Middle Ages. Although this system of land tenure was radically changed by the peaceful and beneficient revolution which took place during the reign of Kamehameha III, yet the ancient subdivisions of land remain unchanged to the present day."
A. Gora:  Background of W.D. Alexander, a Yale man - Skull and Bones, Mason/Freemason:

William DeWitt Alexander

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
William DeWitt Alexander

With his family in the 1880s
BornApril 2, 1833
Honolulu, Hawaii 
DiedFebruary 21, 1913 (aged 79)
OccupationEducator, Surveyor
SpouseAbigail Charlotte Baldwin
ChildrenAgnes Baldwin Alexander
+ 4 others
ParentsWilliam Alexander
Mary McKinney
William DeWitt Alexander (April 2, 1833–February 21, 1913) was an educator, author and linguist in the Kingdom of Hawaii  and Republic of Hawaii . He then constructed maps for the Territory of Hawaii .


  [hide ] 

[edit ]Life

Alexander was born in Honolulu  April 2, 1833. His father was missionaryWilliam Patterson Alexander  and mother Mary Ann McKinney. He was named after William Radcliffe DeWitt (1792–1867) a Presbyterian  pastor of his mother, who convinced her and her brother Edmund McKinney to become missionaries.[1]  He graduated from Punahou School  in 1849, and traveled toNew England  to enroll at Yale . He received a BA degree from Yale  in 1855 asSalutatorian , a Master of Arts in 1858,[2]  and was a member of Skull and Bones .[3]  He returned to Hawaii and joined the faculty of Punahou School as a professor of Greek and history. He married Abigail Charlotte Baldwin (1833–1913), daughter of missionary Dwight Baldwin  in 1861. He became the fourth president of Punahou (then called Oahu College) in the summer of 1864, replacing Cyrus T. Mills. Mills and his wife Susan Tolman Mills  then foundedMills College .[4]  During this time Alexander published books on Hawaiian history and the Hawaiian language . His younger brother Samuel Thomas Alexander  founded Alexander & Baldwin  with his wife's brother Henry Perrine Baldwin . The swimming pool and athletic field  at the school are named for Alexander family members.[5] [6] 
In spring 1871 Alexander became Royal Surveyor-General, and Edward Payson Church replaced him as president of Punahou. On November 6, 1874 he was appointed to the Board of education, and then in 1896 Commissioner of Public Instruction.[7]  After Hawaii was annexed into the United States  in 1898, Alexander was surveyor of the Territory of Hawaii . He assisted the U.S. National Geodetic Survey  mapping the islands.[7]  He was a founding member of the Hawaiian Historical Society (during its second incarnation in 1893) and served as its first corresponding secretary. He wrote many articles for its journal.[8] 
Yale awarded him an honorary Doctor of laws  degree in 1903.[2]  He died February 21, 1913 at the Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu. He and his wife are buried in the cemetery at Kawaiahaʻo Church , across the street from where he was born.[9] Daughter Mary Charlotte Alexander (1874–1961) wrote a biography of both her grandfathers[10] [11]  and a history of Hawaii.[12]  Daughter Agnes Baldwin Alexander  (1875–1971) became a follower of the Bahá'í Faith  and author.[13]  She learned the Esperanto  language[14]  and moved to Japan .[15]  He had sons William Douglas Alexander (1861–1936), Arthur Chambers Alexander (1863–1954), and Henry Edward Mansfield Alexander (June 10, 1868—August 22, 1900). William Douglas (sometimes called W.D. Alexander Jr.), was in San Francisco  during the 1906 San Francisco earthquake . He survived with only a few important papers stuffed in his coat.[16]  Arthur became a professor of Physics  at the University of California, Berkeley  and authored his own textbook.[17] 

[edit ]Works


[edit ]Family tree

William P. Alexander
Mary Ann McKinney
Amos Starr Cooke
Juliette Montague
Dwight Baldwin
Charlotte Fowler
J. W. Smith
David Dwight Baldwin
W. O. Smith
William D. Alexander
Abigail Baldwin
Samuel T. Alexander
Martha Eliza CookeAnn Elizabeth Alexander
Henry P. Baldwin
Emily Whitney Alexander
Agnes Alexander
Annie Montague Alexander
C.W. Dickey
Belle Dickey
James Dole
Henry Alexander Baldwin
Ethel Frances Smith
J. Walter Cameron
Francis Baldwin
Colin C. Cameron
(Kapalua )


[edit ]References

  1. ^  The Centennial Memorial of the Presbytery of Carlisle: Biographical  . Meyers Printers and Publishing House. 1889. p. 444.
  2. a  b  Yale  University (1915). Obituary record of graduates of Yale University  . The University. pp. 376–378.
  3. ^  Millegan, Kris (2003). "The Skeleton Crew". Fleshing Out Skull and Bones: Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society. Walterville, OR: Trine Day. pp. 597–690. ISBN  0-9720207-2-1 . "This list is compiled from material from the Order of Skull and Bones membership books at Sterling Library , Yale University and other public records. The latest books available are the 1971 Living members and the 1973 Deceased Members books. The last year the members were published in the Yale Banner  is 1969."
  4. ^  "The History of Punahou"  . Punahou school web site. Retrieved 2010-04-28.
  5. ^  Walter F. Dillingham  (March 1924). "Punahou's Physical Plant and the Goodhue Block Plan"  . The Friend XCIV (3): p. 66.
  6. ^  "Facilities: P.E. and Athletics"  . Punahou School official web site. Retrieved 2010-04-28.[dead link ]
  7. a  b  "Alexander, William DeWitt office record"  . state archives digital collections. state of Hawaii. Retrieved 2010-04-29.
  8. ^  Annual report of the Hawaiian Historical Society1. Hawaiian Historical Society. 1893. hdl :10524/86  .
  9. ^  William Disbro (November 6, 2001). "Mission Houses Cemetery, Honolulu, Hawaii"  . US Genweb archives. Retrieved 2010-04-29.
  10. ^  Mary Charlotte Alexander (1953). Dr. Baldwin of Lahaina  . M.C. Alexander.
  11. ^  Mary Charlotte Alexander (1934). William Patterson Alexander in Kentucky, the Marquesas, Hawaii. Yale university press.
  12. ^  Mary Charlotte Alexander (1912). The story of Hawaii  . M.C. Alexander.
  13. ^  Agnes Baldwin Alexander (1974). Forty years of the Baha'i cause in Hawaii: 1902-1942. The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Hawaiian Islands.
  14. ^  Agnes B. Alexander (October 1917). "The New Education—A Universal Language"  . The Friend LXXV (10): p. 228.
  15. ^  Agnes Baldwin Alexander, Thomas Linard, ed., "An account of how I became a Baha’i and my stays in Paris in 1901 ...  , Michigan State University  web site, retrieved 2010-04-29
  16. ^  William Douglas Alexander (May 16, 1906). "William Douglas Alexander letter to his sister, Mary C. Alexander"  . The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire Digital Collection.
  17. ^  Arthur Chambers Alexander (1901) [1897]. An elementary course in experimental physics   (4 ed.). University of California.

[edit ]External links

W.D. Alexander  and friend C. Lyons works are listed at the following link:

A List of Maps of America in the Library of Congress: Preceded by .... of Congress. Map Division , Philip Lee Phillips  - 1901 - Reference - 1137 pages
Map of the Hawaiian islands. Compiled from various surveys by W. D. Alexander, superintendent of the Hawaiian government survey, C. J . Lyons & M. D. ...
Reference to New Zealand and Samoa were made because during Kamehameha's period, a Treaty was made between the Hawaiian Islands, New Zealand and the Samoan Islands.  The nations were known in the International arena as the Pacific Empire.
In 1893 with the criminal premeditated dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani, the U.S. grabbed for the Hawaiian Islands, England grabbed for Aetearoa the true name for New Zealand, and France and Germany grabbed for the Samoan Islands.
This article was written in 1891 claiming there was a beneficient revolution "during the reign of Kamehameha III" ; however, Kamehameha III did make permanent changes in land ownership under the alodio/ano alodio system.  The ancient subdivisions of land was tampered with by treasonous persons, including the House of Representatives group, a voted in, temporary part of the Hawaiian Government which conspired against the permanent parts of the Government: the Sovereign and his heirs and successors; and the House of Nobles, and their bloodline descendants/heirs.
"This branch of the subject has been admirably treated by Mr. C.J. Lyons in the Islander, published in 1875. In the first place, each island was divided into several Moku or Districts, of which there are six in the island of Hawaii, and the same number in Oahu. There is a district called Kona on the lee side, and one called Ko'olau on the windward side of almost every island. On Maui there are some sub-districts called Okana(s), of which there are five in the Hana district, while Lahaina is termed a Kalana."
A. Gora:  Information of 1875 by a missionary/mercenary is not the proper reference in writing an article such as this.
Lyons next to W. D. Alexander was one of the treasonous persons who helped to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.
His 1900 book of the Hawaiian Annual is available at 
For more treasonous persons listed, see PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: CHARLES REED BISHOP AND FRIENDS below and listed at 

PIRATES of the Pacific


Dedication Introduction Drawing PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC Aldrich, William Arthur Alexander, William DeWitt Alexander, Samuel Thomas Allen, Elisha Hunt Allen, William F 2 Andrews, Lorrin Armstrong, Richard Armstrong, Samuel C. 3 Armstrong, William N. Ashford, Clarence Wilder Ashford, Marguerite Kamehaokalani 4 Atherton, Joseph Ballard Austin, Jonathan Baldwin, Henry Perrine Belknap, George 5 Bishop, Charles Reed 6 Bishop, Eben Faxon 9 Bishop, Sereno E. Bolte, C. Bond, Edward P. Bowen, William Boyd. E.S. 10 Boyd, J. H. Boyd, R. N. Brewer, Charles Brewer II, Charles 11 Brown, Charles Augustus 12 Brown, George 13 Brown, Godfrey Brown, Jacob Foster Brown, M. Bush, Gavien Fred Bush, John Edward 14 Camara, Jr., J.M. Campbell, James Carlisle, John Griffith Carter, Charles L. Carter, George Robert Carter, Henry Alpheus Pierce 16 Cartwright, Bruce Castle, Samuel Northrup 17 Castle, William R. Chamberlain, Levi Cleghorn, Archibald Scott 18 Coffman, De Witt Cooke, Amos Starr Cooke, Charles 19 Cooper, Henry Ernest Cummins, John A. Cummings, W. H. Damon, Edward Damon, Samuel Mills Davies, Theophilus Harris 20 Day, Francis R. Dayton, David Delameter, N.B. Dillingham, Benjamin Franklin Dillingham, Walter 21 Dimond, Henry Dodge, F. S. Dole, Sanford Ballard Dominis, John O. 22 Dowsett, James Isaac Emmeluth, John Fisher, Joseph Henry 23 Forbes, Anderson Oliver Frear, Walter Francis Gibson, Walter Murray Gilman, Gorham D. 24 Glade, H. F. Godkin, Edwin L. Green, William Lowthan Gresham, Walter Quintin 25 Gulick, Charles T. Hackfeld, Heinrich Hall, Edwin Oscar Hall, W. W. Harris, Charles Coffin 26 Hartwell, Alfred Stedman Hassinger, J.A. Herrick, C. f. Hobbs, L. G. Hoes, R. R. Hoffman Holt, Robert Hooper, William Northey Iaukea, Curtis Piehu 27 Ihihi, I. Irwin, William Jones, G. W. C. Jones, Peter Cushman Judd, Albert Francis 28 Judd, Bernice Judd, Charles Hastings Judd, Gerrit Parmele 29 Kaai, Simon K. Kaia, Maria Kalanianaole/Kuhio/Prince Kuhio/Kuhio Kalanianaole 30 Kalu, D Kaluna, William Kamakaia, Samuel K Kanakanui, S. M. 31 Kauanui Keohokalole, Morris K. King, James A. Kinney, William A. Ku, Sam Kulike 32 Laird Lawrence, Robert Lee, William Little Liwai, J. Low, Frederick Ferdinand Lucas, Albert Ludlow, N. Lyons, C. S. McCandless, J. A. 33 McChesney, F. W. McGrew, John S. MacCarthur, Charles L. Macy, George Mahaulu, S. Marsden, Joseph 34 Meheula, H. Moore, E. K. Moreno, Celso Morgan, James F. Mott Smith, John Nakuina, Moses K. Neumann, Paul Notley, Charles 35 Oleson, William B. Olney, Richard Oxnard, Henry T. Parker, Samuel Peterson, A. P. 36 Pratt, J. W. Preston, Edward Procter, John Robert Ralston, William C. Reeder, F. W. Rice, William Hyde Robertson, George Rosa, Geo 37 Rose, Geo C. Rowell, William E. Schurz, Carl Shipman, William Silva, Manuel Enos Simpson, W. E Smith, William Owen 38 Soper, J. H. Spalding, Z.S. Spreckels, Claus Stelker, M. Stevens, John Leavitt Swinburne, W. T. 39 Thrum, Thomas G. Thurston, Lorrin Andrews Tracy, B. F. Vida, C. E. Waity, Henry E. Wall, W. E. 40 Ward, Curtis Perry Waterhouse, John Thomas White, Jno C. Whiting, William Austin Widemann, H.A. Wilcox, Albert S. Wilcox, Charles Wilcox, George N. Wilder, William C. 41 Wilder, Jr., W. O. Willis, C. J. Wundenburg, F. W. Wyllie, Robert C. Young, Alexander 42 Young, Lucien Ziegler, C. W. United States Presidents Family(ies)/Close Friends in Hawaii  Franklin Pierce – 14th President –Term: 1853 – 1857 43  Abraham Lincoln – 16th President – Term: 1861-1865  Grover Cleveland – 22nd & 24th President – Terms: 1885-1889 and 1893-1897  Theodore Roosevelt – 26th President – Terms: 1901-1905 and 1905-1909  Franklin D. Roosevelt – 32nd President – Terms: 1933-1941; and 1941-1945;  John F. Kennedy – 35th President – Term: 1961-1963 Santa Claus from Hawaii 45  Original Owner of MACY’S: Roland H. Macy’s relatives in Hawaii  General Electric Credit Corporation  Mutual Shares Corporation  Michael A. Price  Goldman & Sachs, limited partnership with Sidney J. Weinberg  Ed Finkelstein  Mark Handler  Art Reiner  Bobby Friedman  Hal Kahn  Sidney J. Weinberg  Dan I. Hale  Kamehameha Schools/KSBE/Bishop Estates aka’s  George Macy  Internal Revenue Service of the United States government  George Macy, Jr.  LIBERTY HOUSE  MACY’S Commentary Overview of the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC -Americans -Bankers -Genealogy Frauds -Judges -Lawyers -Missionary or Missionary descendant -Planters or Plantation employees -Pacific Cable Company/cable interests -Suspected Spy (includes Masons, etc.) -Unidentified ---Totals ---Grand Totals -----Civil War Generals in Hawaii or Family in Hawaii Summary Notes References About the Author Other Books Available
"The next subdivision of land below the Moku is the Ahupua'a, which has been termed the unit of land in the Hawaiian system. Its name, as explained by Mr. Lyons, "is derived from the Ahu or alter, which was erected at the point where the boundary of the land was intersected by the main road alaloa, which encircled each of the islands. Upon this alter, at the annual progress of the akua makahiki (i.e. year god), Lonomakua, was deposited the tax paid by the land whose boundary it marked, and also an image of a hog, pua'a, carved out of kukui wood and stained with red ochre." The typical Ahupua'a is a long narrow strip extending from the sea to the mountain, so that its chief may have his share of all the various products of the uka or mountain region, the cultivated land, and the kai or sea. On east Maui the principal lands all radiate from a large rock on the northeast brink of the crater of Haleakala, called Palaha. Eight ahupua'a(s), one in each district of East Maui, meet at this rock. The Ahupua'a(s) are extremely unequal. In several districts a few larger ahupua'a(s), widening as they extend inland, cut off all the smaller lands and take the whole mountain to themselves. The same lands generally monopolized the deep sea fisheries, leaving to the smaller ahupua'a(s) only the fishery along their shores, where the water was not more than five feet deep. On Maui the lands of Waikapu and Wailuku appropriated almost the whole of the isthmus so as to cut off half of the lands in the district of Kula from access to the sea. These two ahupua'a(s), together Wai'ehu and Waihe'e, which were independent, belonging to no Moku, were called Na Poko, and have been formed into a district in modern times. While some districts are regularly divided up into ahupua'a(s) averaging only a quarter of a mile in width and several miles in length; in others we find ahupua'a(s) like Honouliuli, in O'ahu, which contains over forty thousand acres, or the four great mountain lands of Hawai'i, viz: Kahuku, Keauhou, Humu'ula and Ka'ohe, of which the first mentioned contains 184,000 acres, mostly on the mountains. "The divisions of the lands were to a great extent made on rational lines, following a ridge, the bottom of a ravine or depression, but they were often without these and sometimes in disregard of them. Sometimes a stone or rock known to the aboriginals and notable from some tradition, or sacred uses, kind of tree, herb or grass, the habitat of a certain kind of bird, sometimes made a division. Certain persons were specially taught and made the repositories of this knowledge, which was carefully delivered from father to son." (Hawaiian Reports, Vol. IV, p. 241)"
A. Gora:  References to the Mahele meanings of the Ahupuaa Ili, etc. can be seen in the 1877 article concerning CC Harris vs. the Crown Lands Commissioners at the following link:  
Later, A bankruptcy Federal Judge named Jon Chinen (dec. 2011) regarded as an expert wrote three (3) books on the Mahele.  

"The Ahupua'a(s) were generally but not always subdivided into 'Ili(s), each with its own name and carefully defined boundary. As was recognized by the decision of the Supreme Court in the Kane'ohe case, in 1877, there were two kinds of 'Ili(s) of which the first was a mere subdivision of the Ahupua'a for the convenience of the chief holding the same, who received its revenues from his konohiki or agent. The other class comprised the "'Ili Kupono" or "Ku," which were independent of the Ahupua'a, and generally did not pay tribute to its chief. Thus the transfer of the Ahupua'a to a new chief did not affect the ownership of the ku contained within its limits. In some cases these "Ili(s) absorb the greater part of the Ahupua'a in which they are situated. A well-known case is the Ahupua'a of Waimea, Hawai'i, of which the independent 'Ili(s) of Pu'ukapu and Waikoloa form about nine-tenths. The same is true of the Ahupua'a of Waikele in 'Ewa. In fact, there are some 'Ili(s) that do not seem to be included in any Ahupua'a, as for instance, the 'Ili(s) of Honolulu, which is the same of the locality, but not of an Ahupua'a."

"Another peculiarity of the 'Ili, on O'ahu at least, is that it often consists of several distinct sections of land in different parts of the Ahupua'a, which are called lele(s), i.e. "jumps." Thus many lands in Waikiki have their corresponding patches of taro land and forest in Waikiki and Manoa valleys. The taro lands of Wailupe are found in Palolo valley. In Kalihi, and also in the district of 'Ewa, are 'Ili(s) which consist of eight or ten scattered lele(s) apiece, included under one title. Each of these pieces may be spoken of either by its own individual name or by that of the whole 'Ili, which practice is a fruitful source of confusion. The 'Ili(s) were again minutely subdivided, and many of the larger patches had individual names. The patches cultivated exclusively for the chief were called koele or hakuone. In more recent times they were styled Poalima (i.e. Fridays), from the fact that the tenants of the land were formerly obliged by law to labor for their chief on Fridays. The narrow strips of cultivated dry land, separated by ridges of stones, are called Mo'o. These ridges or iwi frequently serve as boundaries between Ahupua'a(s) and 'Ili(s). This minute subdivision of the land and the great multiplicity of local names bear witness to the dense population that must have existed in ancient times."
A. Gora:  See Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, for first hand research on the meanings of an ahupuaa, konohiki, etc.
Also see:  THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE newspaper
See:  Archives Honolulu website for the actual konohiki, and their lands listed in the Mahele book 

"The nature of the ancient system of the land tenure in this Kingdom is clearly stated in the "Principles adopted by the Board of Commissioners to quiet land titles," which were approved by the Legislative Council, Oct. 26th, 1846. It is therein declared that "When the islands were conquered by Kamehameha I., he followed the example of his predecessors, and divided out the lands among his principal warrior chiefs, retaining, however, a portion in his own hands to be cultivated or managed by his own immediate servants or attendants. Each principal chief divided his lands anew and gave them out to an inferior order of chiefs by whom they were subdivided again and again, often passing through the hands of four, five or six persons from the King down to the lowest class of tenants. All these persons were considered to have rights in the lands or the productions of them, the proportions of which rights were not clearly defined, although universally acknowledged. All persons possessing landed property, whether superior landlords, tenants or sub-tenants, owed and paid to the King not only a land tax, which he assessed at pleasure, but also service which was called for at discretion, on all the grades from the highest down. They also owed and paid some portion of the production of the land in the addition to the yearly taxes. A failure to render any of these was always considered a just cause for which to forfeit the lands. The same rights which the King possessed over the superior landlords and all under them, the various grades of landlords possessed over their inferiors, so that there was a joint ownership of the land, the King really owning the allodium, and the persons in whose hands he placed the land, holding it in trust." The tenures might be considered feudal, except that military service was not the principal condition on which they were held. The land taxes mentioned above were really rent, and by ancient usage went to the King as his private income or revenue. The ideas of a Nation and of a Government as distinguished from the person of the King first began to be recognized in the Constitution of 1840. All lands forfeited for non-payment of taxes reverted to him. His consent was necessary for any transfers of real estate in the Kingdom, and for real mortgages also or for seizure of land for debt. (Old Laws, p. 179.) When the labor tax first began to be regulated by law, every tenant was required to work one day in every week (Tuesday) for the King, and one day (Friday) for the landlord. This tax was reduced in 1840 to 36 days in the year for the King, and an equal number for the landlords. But "those landlords who did not belong to the National Council, had to pay to the King one-tenth part of all the avails of their labor days." (Old Laws, p. 51.) The above arrangement illustrates the nature of the joint ownership explained above."

"Ancient history affords many illustrations of these views. Judge Fornander states that "It had been the custom since the days of Keawenui-a-Umi on the death of the Mo'i (King) and the accession of a new one, to redivide and distribute the land of the island between the chiefs and favorites of the new monarch." (Vol. 2, p. 300.) This custom was repeatedly the occasion of a civil war. But during the long reign of Kamehameha the leading families of chiefs enjoyed a greater degree of permanence and security in the possession of their lands than had been previously know, and on the accession of his son Liholiho no general redistribution of lands took place. The common people were mere tenants at will, liable to be dispossessed at any time, and even to be stripped of their personal property at the will of their chiefs. In some respects their condition was not improved by the advent of civilization and the cessation of civil wars. Formerly chiefs lived on their lands, personally attended to their cultivation, and took a strong interest in the prosperity of their vassals, on whom they had to depend in time of war. But when the centralizing policy of the Conqueror and the attractions of the capital had drawn them away from their lands, they were succeeded by rapacious agents or konohiki(s), and the old feudal ties gradually lost their power. Besides commerce introduced new luxuries and new wants which led the chiefs into debts which they had no means of paying except by increased exactions on their people, until as David Malo expressed it, "Debt was far more oppressive than war."
"Laws were passed in 1839 and 1840 to prevent evictions without cause, and the wanton seizure of the property of tenants, but proved to be totally inadequate. Convinced that the ancient system was incompatible with their further progress in civilization, the King and chiefs resolved to separate and define the undivided shares which individual held in the lands of the Kingdom. After long and patient investigation it was finally settled that there were but three classes of persons having vested rights in the lands; 1st the King, 2nd the chiefs, and 3rd the tenants. The Land Commission decided that if the King should allow to the landlords one-third, to the tenants one-third, and retain on-third himself, "he would injure no one unless himself." The history of the several steps by which this division was carried out, and the work of centuries compressed into as many years, would be of the highest interest, but our limits will only admit of the barest outline."
A. Gora:  Intense research is needed for these land issues, because as you know, the theft of lands were based on identity theft, manipulation of legalese over time/changing of words --- many new words were developed to defraud/deceive kanaka maoli over time.....try picking up an aged dictionary pre 1893 and another one dated thereafter you'll find that the meanings have changed/deliberately changed.....and the wrongs done to our nation was recorded as the 'greatest heist made by the U.S.'
Develop your conclusions by visiting the following sites:   The Probates available on the site:  
This collection includes heavily used Hawaiian Kingdom probate case files in the Hawaii State Archives Judiciary Collection. So far only the following First Circuit Court Probate Case Files are available:
Probate No. 601, Estate of W. P. Leleiohoku 
Probate No. 2409, Estate of Victoria Kaahumanu Kamamalu 
Probate No. 2411, Estate of Kamehameha IV
Probate No. 2412, Estate of Kamehameha V 
Probate No. 2413, Guardianship of William C. Lunalilo
Probate No. 2414, Estate of William C. Lunalilo 
Probate No. 2425, Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop
Probate No. 2426, Estate of Charles Kanaina More cases will be added as they are requested by researchers and when these requests complete the digitization process.  which can also be accessed at archives digital files
"The "Act to organize the Executive Departments," which was passed in 1846, provided among other things for the appointment of a "Board of Commissioners to quiet Land Titles," which was to consist of five members, one of whom should be the Attorney-General of the Kingdom, and which was to exist for two years. The Commissioners took the oath of office and organized Feb. 11, 1846. Their powers, however, were repeatedly extended, and the Board was not finally dissolved until the 31st of March, 1855. Full powers were conferred upon this Board as a court of record, to investigate and finally confirm or reject all claims to land arising previously to December 10, 1845. Its decisions were only subject to appeal to the Supreme Court, which had to be made within ninety days after the date of the Award by the Land Commission. All persons were required to file their claims to land with this Board, or be forever barred of all rights to recover the same in the court of justice. And the titles of all lands which should not have been presented to this Board for confirmation on or before the 14th day of February, 1848, were declared to belong to the Hawaiian Government. (Vol. 2, p. 93.) Aliens were not allowed to acquire any fee simple or allodial title to land, but this disability has since been removed by the Act passed July 10th, 1850, p. 146."
"The Commissioners held their first meeting for regular business on the 4th of March, 1846. They worked with great zeal and energy, visiting every part of the Islands to meet the people, and give them an opportunity to present their claims. The rule had been laid down in advance that every piece of land should be surveyed at the claimant's expense before any award would be granted for it. The filing of claims, the taking of testimony, the surveying of boundaries, and the final awards, were the successive steps which had to be gone through with in every case. When we consider that the number of claims confirmed amounted to 11,309, we can appreciate the herculean task imposed upon the commissioners, and it is not surprising that evidences of haste, that inconsistencies and imperfections can occasionally be found in their work. The character of the surveys made for the Commission will be described further on. The awards were all recorded in ten huge folios, which were deposited in the Land Office. The charges to be paid by the claimants were slight, amounting to from $6.00 to $12.00 for each of the claims of native tenants, commonly known as "kuleana(s)."
A. Gora:  Intense research is needed for these land issues, because as you know, the theft of lands were based on identity theft, manipulation of legalese over time/changing of words --- many new words were developed to defraud/deceive kanaka maoli over time.....try picking up an aged dictionary pre 1893 and another one dated thereafter you'll find that the meanings have changed/deliberately changed.....and the wrongs done to our nation was recorded as the 'greatest heist made by the U.S.'
Develop your conclusions by visiting the following sites:   The Probates available on the site:  
This collection includes heavily used Hawaiian Kingdom probate case files in the Hawaii State Archives Judiciary Collection. So far only the following First Circuit Court Probate Case Files are available:
Probate No. 601, Estate of W. P. Leleiohoku
Probate No. 2409, Estate of Victoria Kaahumanu Kamamalu
Probate No. 2411, Estate of Kamehameha IV
Probate No. 2412, Estate of Kamehameha V
Probate No. 2413, Guardianship of William C. Lunalilo
Probate No. 2414, Estate of William C. Lunalilo
Probate No. 2425, Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop
Probate No. 2426, Estate of Charles Kanaina More cases will be added as they are requested by researchers and when these requests complete the digitization process.  which can also be accessed at archives digital files
"The Commissioners were not authorized to grant patents for land or to receive commutation. Their duty was to ascertain the nature and extent of each claimant's rights in land, and to issue an Award for the same which is prima facie evidence of title "and shall furnish as good and sufficient a ground upon which to maintain an action for trespass, ejectment or other real action against any other person or persons whatsoever, as if the claimant, his heirs or assigns had received a Royal Patent for the same," by Act approved July 20th, 1854. The holder of a Land Commission Award was entitled to receive a Royal Patent in fee-simple from the Minister of the Interior, on payment of the commutation to be agreed upon by His Majesty in Privy Council. In regard to this last, the Commissioners themselves state that "The share of Government or the body politic, to commuted for by any confirmed claimant wishing to obtain a fee-simple title, this Board understands from the evidence before it, to be one-third part of the value of the land without improvement which third part of unimproved value, being paid by the confirmed claimant, should extinguish the private rights of the King in the land, and leave such claimant an allodium." By a recent ruling of the Supreme Court in the case of the Ahupua'a of Papa'ikou, the value of land for purposes of commutation should be appraised as of the date of the Act."
 A. Gora:  The alodio/ano alodio system of the Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchy/Monarchical Government was locked into place since 1848.
The Supreme Court Justices acted outside of their duties, were treasonous for they made themselves superior to the Sovereign his heirs and successors, the House of Nobles, their heirs and successors from the 1884 period or shortly after Bernice Pauahi Bishop died.  
The Supreme Court Justices, treasonous persons who assisted in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani did declare their rules to be laws, without the consent of the Sovereign, and the House of Nobles, who were the only two permanent branches of the three branches which made up the Hawaiian Government.  The third branch was the House of Representatives, a temporary, voted in part of the Hawaiian Government which housed the Supreme Court Justices, the people who were not descendants/heirs and successors of the Sovereign and the House of Nobles.  This group included kanaka maoli, subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and others who were found out to have been American citizens/other citizens of other nations operating/conspiring against the Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchy/Monarchical Government.

Another website is posted after the HAWAIIAN REPORTS free e-book link, which is the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona showing the pact/treaty made by Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, the U.S., England, and the Vatican.

The Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian Archipelago/Hawaiian archipelago was recognized as a Monarchy Government in 1810 during the reign of Kamehameha.

Upon Kamehameha's death in 1819, the Papal Bulls of 1492 was in place promoted by the Vatican, and replaced by the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona.  

U.S. Congressional records shows the continued discussion of the Secret Treaty of Verona.

The Secret Treaty of Verona's purpose was to break down Monarchical Governments worldwide and support a One World Order/New World Order Government.

Plundering Upon Innocents has occurred through the business of Wars, promoted by those aligned with the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona, supported by the J.P. Morgan bankers who were investors of bankrupt U.S. and England.  The Bank of England were also supporters.

Most recently, J.P. Morgan bankers closed down the Vatican Bank's account.  See:  March 2012 news.

Pope John Paul I was assassinated in 1978 after he planned to boot the clergy, Priests and Nuns from the Catholic Church if they belonged to the Masons/Freemasons.  He had also planned to go over the assets of the Vatican Bank.  Read the book IN GOD'S NAME 

Remind yourselves too that the assets of the Hawaiian Kingdom was stolen - $279,000+, borrowed by Charles Reed Bishop - $2-3 Million Dollars, Gold Bullions, Silver, and the Gold Coins dubbed "Coins of the Realm" which was housed at the Bishop Bank/First Hawaiian Bank, transferred to the American Savings Bank and used by the illegal State of Hawaii for building loans, etc. along with the Bonds of the Hawaiian Kingdom, etc.

Plundering Upon Innocents including the Hawaiian Archipelago/archipelago is on the records along with others nations.  See: etc.
The continued move towards the New World Order/One World Order expressed itself in the League of Nations, the Council of Foreign Relations/CFR which is made up of bankers, the United States, and England the developers of the United Nations with goals of exterminating people of color, etc.

The wrongs done against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation with the Sovereigns and House of Nobles descendants/heirs existing while exposing all the criminal activities, the Truths, the conspiracies, piracies, the wrongs, wickedness promoting continued Wars against other Nations and their people is Not O.K.  

The Permanent Treaties with the U.S. and other Nations existing remains in the hands of the Royal Families in Hawaii with evidence outstanding and issues remain unresolved.

The True Land owners are here and have reasons showing why the U.S. has no titles to lands in the Hawaiian Archipelago/archipelago, etc.

Oppositions to the Rail System, development with Pirate companies, Trusts of the Alii claimed by terrorists/treasonous persons, GMO's/Monsanto etc. and other toxic making industries, claims to alodio/ano alodio lands, Crown Lands wrongfully dubbed as ceded lands, genocide, etc. continues.


See:  Volume 2 case REX vs. BOOTH and read the explanation of what the Hawaiian Government is all about, etc.  also FREE EBOOK available.
Secret Treaty of Verona:
Uploaded by ForgottenHistoryUSA  on Jan 16, 2009

Because I can find no official online primary source for the 1916 Congressional Record, I have linked to a copy of "Where is God in the European War?", written in 1919 by Senator Owen, where he again warns of the Secret Treaty of Verona.

Senator Robert L. Owen brings to light a silent Declaration of War against Popular Government, secretly schemed by monarchical nations shortly after the successful American Revolution and America's second successful victory against the British in the War of 1812.

Chronological list of popes who are alleged to have been murdered


Trustees Under the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop/Kamehameha Schools, Missionaries/Mercenaries,U.S., England, J.P. Morgan Bankers, World Bank Background/Status/PIRATES OF THE WORLD Info In a "Nutshell"

Song Dedicated to Queen Liliuokalani's Supporters; Educational Information for All......
amelia gora said...
Read my article at and the many -thousands of posts on the internet... the U.S., England, and the bankers (Morgan and the World banks) moved to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani in was a concerted move, a premeditation plan by President Harrison, Congress, and conspirator Americans in the Hawaiian Islands moving to assume the assets of a neutral, friendly, non-warring nation. The banks were going bankrupt at the time, Queen Liliuokalani said that if corrections were not made, the U.S. would fall apart....the Morgan banks were the investors/representatives for the U.S. and England in the Wallstreet Stockmarkets...our Families Trusts were criminally assumed, invested by bankers, banksters, criminal racketeers who moved to finance Wars Upon INNOCENTS based on monies stolen, which did not belong to them....much research has uncovered their piracy(ies), parasitic moves on Hawaii and it was known as 'the greatest heist'....the moves on all supporting Hawaii ended in War/ Plundering Upon Innocents: Spain, Germany, Japan, Iraq, etc.....The Middleeast leaders were swindled by the U.S. bankers because their notes held were worthless because the banks that they were mandated to deal with for oil sales went bankrupt and they were left with no payment for all the oil taken by the U.S., etc....btw the U.S. Representative did ask for loans during King David Kalakaua's time period and our House of Nobles said NO to the U.S. because only little interest would be returned and the loans would be paid in a thousand years,...the U.S. to date owes monies to MANY Nations including history and you'll see the issues including the plans to control everyone through the `1822 SECRET TREATY OF VERONA aloha from amelia gora a 30+ year history, 22+ year genealogy and 10+ year legal researcher, a Royal person because the Kamehameha, et. als. families exists today holding perpetual treaties with the U.S. and many other nations.
  1. Legal Notice: From Fraud, Criminal Activities, Piracy(ies), Treaty(ies ... 

    Oct 8, 2012 – 4) State of Hawaii needs to be under the American Embassy or Consulate ... 8) Trustees of the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, dec. ... This is a Legal Notice sent to many from A.Gora/Amelia Gora, a Royal Person not subject to ...
  2. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools Trustees and ...
    Aug 16, 2012 – The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees/Administrators have terrorized this family. ... I, Amelia Gora, am one of Luluhiwalani's descendants/heirs..... and don't worry, the Schools on the campus will continue under new ...
  3. E ALA E....Kamehameha's Descendants/Heirs, Title Owners Are ... 

    Sep 15, 2012 – Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools Trustees and... Posted by Amelia Gora on August 16, 2012 at 10:36am in Politics · View Discussions. ... please contact us or file a Police Complaint, etc.....or I'll document ...
  4. IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Vol. IV No. 407 Wednesday Weekly ... 

    Aug 23, 2012 – Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools ... who are paid off by the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees/Administrators/ ... Amelia Gora, one of the Private Property owners, Alodio/Ano Alodio Title ... 6) The company(ies) handling collections will be in contact with the Bernice Pauahi Bishop...
  5. IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Vol IV No. 411 Part 2 

    Sep 22, 2012 – Amelia Gora theTrustees Under the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha ...
  6. Paradise 808 

    Posted by Amelia Gora on September 11, 2011 at 1:51am ... PIRATED entity Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools aka's: ... was a namesake of Bernice Pauahi who was on the Will of Bernice Pauahi. .... Suddenly the trustee's were, for the first time in the schools' 115-year history, under siege from all sides.
  7. Australian military... | Facebook 

    Jose Vargas I'm the resistance....time will come when u all will have to fight to stay free until ... Amelia Gora Wikileaks...let us help from Hawaii...the Corruption of theBernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees who have criminally invested in ... Duringthe last decades of 20th century, thousands of Bin Ladins were grown in ...
  8. Forum Discussions - Maoliworld: Page 3 

    Amelia Gora posted a discussion Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools Trustees and Administrators are TERRORISTS! Terror Perpetuators!
  9. Contact/Updates - Home Page 

    Educate yourself on the illegal activities by Bishop Estate and injustices done to ... is to fulfill Bernice Pauahi Bishop's desire to create educational opportunities to ... We have been notified By Amelia Gora and her family that they are the true heirs ... of attorneys and the “Great Oz” of Bishop Estate Trustees and Management!
  10. OpEdNews - Diary: Lanai Island Has Owners: Kamehameha's ... 

    Jun 28, 2012 – My name is Amelia Gora, and I am one of the Sovereigns/ ... properties of the Sovereign Kamehameha to himself under the title of ... Bernice Pauahi Bishop (see Lanai Land list) who married ... Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the last of the Kamehameha's.

the JP Morgan bankers are documented as the thieves....then notice that the articles that I've posted shows the connection of the JP Morgan bankers with the Vatican, and the Vatican/Pope with the Rockefellers /Rothschilds........which connects to the `1822 Secret Treaty of Verona ----the issue of the Dragon is also part of the Mason/ Freemason, the occult/demon worshipers.

Queen Liliuokalani's article which was found in her file at the Archives titled "Against Monarchy" shows who the criminals were.

It was the bankers namely JP Morgan who gave consent to the theft of the assets of the Hawaiian Kingdom.........
The report then declares against monarchism in the islands, saying we exercise at least moral suzerainty over Hawaii, which, it says, “is an American State embraced in the American commercial and military system,” entitling it to the indulgent consideration, if not active sympathy, is its endeavors to release her people from the odious anti-Republican regime, and subordinate her people to the supposed divine
right of a monarch “whose title to such divinity originated in the most slavish conditions of pagan barbarity.”…….The Hawaiian Monarchy had perished…”
Note: J.P. Morgan and friends have FAILED TO DO THEIR HOMEWORK… Royal descendants of Kamehameha EXIST,including the author of this paper, Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha’s descendants, a Royal Person not subject to the laws. Families claims documenting FRAUD has been recorded over time… the PROBATES, other documentation have testimonies and other indications of FRAUD, DECEIT, CORRUPTION, CRIMINAL DEVIANCE, CRIMINAL MALFEASANCE documented.
It is from this point on that the BULK OF RESOURCES of HAWAII appears to have been PLUNDERED UPON.

IMPORTANT READ – Out of Queen Liliuokalani’s Personal Files at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands or the MORGAN/INTERNATIONAL BANKERS WERE THE ONES!


This article was copied at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, gotten out of Queen Liliuokalani’s personal papers.

Note that the MORGAN bankers did criminally assume the taking of Hawaiian monies and became partners in Crime with the U.S. who did Premeditate the taking over of the PEARL HARBOR COALING STATION, etc. with evidence printed in the NEW YORK TIMES on January 9, 1893……….then the Military with their gatling guns left the Warship BOSTON on January 15, 1893 and the dethronement occurred on January 17, 1893 under duress, stress, usurpation, and coercion.
This article was also entered in the recent Crown Land Case --- the State of Hawaii is suing us....
Updated 11/05/2012 comment:  The MORGAN bankers, et. als. DO NOT HAVE TITLE and cannot have title. which means that they are NOT the owners, which means everyone paying Mortgages will need to sue the Title Companies, the banks, etc. for lands that they do NOT own.


There are about 4-5 Trusts which were made by our families, and theft is amount of manipulating words, twisting and turning made by criminals, Pirates of the Pacific and the World will take away the fact that crimes have been done, and the monies does not belong to them..........we are and remain a Neutral, friendly, non-violent nation which has been wronged by criminal occupiers, who did breach the law of nations, STOLE our families monies, the Hawaiian Kingdom monies, created the League of Nations, the CFR, Council on Foreign Relations, then the United Nations with the bankers accommodating everyone at our and other weaker nations expense.........

"Weaker" is stated because we did not have a standing army, because it was not needed for neutrality was documented since Kamehameha III's period.

King Kalakaua was approached by the Austrian's to purchase weapons......the Austrian's had signed the 1822 Secret Treaty of was basically a pact with specific governments who moved to break down Monarchy governments worldwide to create the One World Order/New World Order.
Note:  What are the active parts of those who signed the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona?
1.  Austria  - introduction of weaponry to "weaker" states
2.  France
3.  Prussia
4.  Russia
5.  U.S.
6.  England
7.  the Vatican
8.  the bankers

The 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona shows who the culprits are...........and the article saved by Queen Liliuokalani "Against Monarchy" also states who they are.... which is why I have been posting it over time...........

Research References

Allen, Helena G. SANFORD BALLARD DOLE Hawaii’s Only President 1844-1926 (1988) The Arthur H. Clark Co
Allen, Thomas B. WAR GAMES(1987) Berkeley Publishing Co.
Allport, Gordon W. THE NATURE OF PREJUDICE (1958) Addison- Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
American Institute of Banking STANDARD BANKING (1928)
Appleton, D. –Century Company THE NEW CENTURY DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (1946) D. Appleton – Century Company
Bailey, Paul Dayton THOSE KINGS AND QUEENS OF OLD HAWAII (1975) Westernlore Press
Barratt, Glynn THE RUSSIAN VIEW OF HONOLULU 1808-26 (1988) Carleton University Press
Barrere, Dorothy B. THE KING’S MAHELE The Awardees & Their Land (1994)
Bishop, William Henry ONE OF THE THIRTY PIECES from STORIES BY AMERICAN AUTHORS (1902) Charles Scribner’s Sons
Black, Henry Campbell BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY (1968) West Publishing Co.
Bobley Publishing Corp. ILLUSTRATED WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA (1977) Mer-Fried Corporation; Bobley Publishing Corp.
Bolton, Herbert Eugene HISTORY OF THE AMERICAS A Syllabus with Maps (1928) Gin and Company
GUIDE (1962) Star-Bulletin Printing Co. Inc.
Boyle, Donzella Cross QUEST OF A HEMISPHERE (1970) Published by Western Islands
Char, Tin Yuke THE SANDALWOOD MOUNTAINS (1975) by The University of Hawaii Press of Hawaii
Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs HAWAII STATEHOOD – Hearings on H.R. 49; S. 156; S. 1782 United States Government Printing Office
Cordy, Ross A REGIONAL SYNTHESIS OF HAMAKUA DISTRICT – Island Of Hawaii (1994) Historic Preservation Division, Dept. of Land and Natural Resources
Costain, Anne N. INVITING WOMEN’S REBELLION A Political Process Interpretation of the Women’s Movement (1992) The John Hopkin’s University Press
Craig, Robert D. HISTORICAL DICTIONARY OF HONOLULU (1998) Scarecrow Press, Inc. Craven, Avery and Johnson, Walter THE UNITED STATES Experiment in Democracy (1950) The Athenaeum Press De Vries, Julian LIVES OF THE PRESIDENTS (1940) The World Publishing Co. Doughterty, Michael TO STEAL A KINGDOM (1996) Island Style Press Faragher, John M.; Buhle, Mari Jo; Czitrom, Daniel; Armitage, Susan H. OUT OF MANY A History of the American People Volume II (1994) Prentice-Hall Inc. Forbes, Rev. A. A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF REMARKABLE EVENTS (1865) Fornander, Abraham CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF EVENTS IN HAWAIIAN HISTORY out of HISTORY OF THE HAWAIIAN PEOPLE ANCIENT HISTORY OF THE HAWAIIAN PEOPLE (1996) Mutual Publishing Frontier Press THE STANDARD DICTIONARY OF FACTS (1922) The Frontier Press Garraty, John A. A SHORT HISTORY OF THE And McCaughey, Robert A. AMERICAN NATION (1987) Harper & Row, Publishers Inc. Gessler, Clifford TROPIC LANDFALL – The Port of Honolulu (1942) Country Life Press Gora, Amelia K./ Gora, Amelia AFFIDAVIT/LIEN (1986) filed at the Bureau of Kuulei Conveyances No. 96-177455 (281 pages); 12/17/96; Honolulu, Hawaii KAOLEIOKU- Kamehameha’s Oldest Son His Descendants And Heirs (1997) by Author MAKA ALA THE SLEEPING GIANT (2000) by Author CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII, ABROAD, AND TE UNITED STATES 350A.D - 2001 A.D. (2001) HAWAIIAN GENEALOGY INTRODUCTORY GENEALOGY CHARTS OF THE ROYAL FAMILIES CROWN LANDS PEARL HARBOR AND THE RECIPROCITY TREATY- THE TRUTH KAMEHAMEHA’S DESCENDANTS, HEIRS AND TERRORISTS HISTORICAL EVIDENCE AFFECTING ALL LANDS IN HAWAII MAINTAINING QUEEN LILIUOKALANI’S CLAIMS, ETC. HANA, MAUI HUI – JOINT OWNERSHIP WITH QUEEN LILIUOKALANI PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: CHARLES RED BISHOP AND FRIENDS WARS, CONFLICTS AND GENOCIDE HAWAIIAN ABC’S WILLS 1 – 180 – OUT OF HAWAII’S ARCHIVES ROYAL SCHOOLS STUDENTS 1839-1847 – THEIR DESCENDANTS AND HEIRS -for Kamehameha descendants/heirs only- MAINTAINING CLAIMS TO HAWAII BY QUEEN LILIUOKALANI’S AND THE HIGH CHIEFS GENEALOGIES HAWAIIAN/KANAKA MAOLI HANDBOOK Handy, E. S. Craighill THE POLYNESIAN FAMILY And Pukui, Mary Kawena SYSTEM IN KA-U (1972) Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. Hawaii Historic Preservation Staff HISTORIC PRESERVATION IN HAWAII (1976) Grant in aid Funding from the Department of Interior, National Park Service Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society MISSIONARY ALBUM (1937) Honolulu Star Bulletin, Lmtd. Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society PORTRAITS OF AMERICAN PROTESTANT MISSIONARIES IN HAWAII (1961) Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society Hunter, Charles H. INDEX PUBLICATIONS OF THE HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY (1968) Hawaiian Historical Society Hutchins, LL.B. Wells A. THE HAWAIIAN SYSTEM OF WATER RIGHTS (1946) Coop between the United States Department of Agriculture and the Board of Water Supply, City and County of Honolulu Icke, David AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE (1995) Bridge of Love Publications Ii, John Papa FRAGMENTS OF HAWAIIAN HISTORY (1959) Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum Joesting, Edward TIDES OF COMMERCE (1983) First Hawaiian, Inc. Jones, Walter S. THE LOGIC OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (1991) Harper Collins Publishers Kamakau, Samuel M. RULING CHIEFS OF HAWAII (1992) Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estates Kelly, Marion and Quintal, Sidney Cultural History Report of Makua Military Michael Reservation and Vicinity, Makua Valley, Oahu Kent, Harold CHARLES REED BISHOP (1965) Landoll, Inc. WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY (1997) Landoll, Inc. Lea, Homer THE VALOR OF IGNORANCE (1909) Harper and Brothers Liliuokalani, Lydia Kamakaeha HAWAII’S STORY BY HAWAII’S QUEEN (1898)Tuttle Loomis, Albertine TO ALL PEOPLE A History of the Hawaii Conference of the United Church of Christ (1970) Kingsport Press, Inc. McNeil, Genna Rae HISTORICAL JUDGMENTS RECON- And Winston, Michael R. SIDERED (1988) Howard University Press Missionaries at Lahaina MEMOIR OF KEOPUOLANI, Late Queen of the Sandwich Islands (1825) Crocker & Brewster Publishers Moores, Litt.D. Charles W. LINCOLN ADDRESSES AND LETTERS (1914) American Book Company Morgan, James OUR PRESIDENTS (1930) The Review of Reviews Company And published by arrangement with The Macmillan Company Morison, Samuel Eliot THE OXFORD HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE (1965) Oxford University Press Niblack, William C. TORRENS IN THE UNITED STATES; THE TORRENS SYSTEM ITS COST AND COMPLEXITY (1903) Brown-Cooper Typesetters Co. Native Hawaiians Study Commission NATIVE HAWAIIANS STUDY COMMISSION Volumes I and II (1983) Norton, Thomas James THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES Its Sources and Its Application – A Handbook for Citizens and Public Officials; Oath Taken by all Officers elected or Appointed to Civil or Armed Services (1947) America’s Future, Inc. Pukui, Mary Kawena and HAWAIIAN DICTIONARY(1986) University of Elbert, Samuel H. Hawaii Press Sai, David Keanu EVOLUTION OF HAWAIIAN KINGDOM LAW Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Kingdom (1997) (note: bibliography use only – not affiliated) Schmitt, Robert C. THE MISSIONARY CENSUSES OF HAWAII #20 Dept. of Anthropology; Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum Spoehr, Anne Harding THE ROYAL LINEAGES OF HAWAII – Bishop Museum Special Publication 84 (1989) Bishop Museum Press Stanley, David MICRONESIA HANDBOOK(1989) Moon Publn. Stone, Irving CLARENCE DARROW FOR THE DEFENSE (1969) New American Library
Twain, Mark
THE FAMILY MARK TWAIN (1935) Harper and Brothers Publishers
Wells, H. C. THE OUTLINE OF HISTORY (1949) Garden City Books
Williams, William Appleman THE TRAGEDY OF AMERICAN DIPLOMACY (1962)World Publishing Company
**************************** THE MASTERS OF CAPITAL by John Moody (1919) Yale University “BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE The literature covering special phases of the development and growth of capitalized industry and “high finance” in the United States during the past half century is plentiful enough. Scores of volumes have been written on the Trusts, on particular industries, and special combinations of cpital. But no exhaustive study appears to have been made of the broad trend toward the concentration and control of industry and finance by Wall Street financiers, during the remarkable period culminating in the aggressive antitrust legislation afte the financial crash of 1907. Among the best popular books on the Standard Oil Trust may be mentioned: WEALTH AGAINST COMMON WEALTH by Henry Demarest Lloyd (1894); HISTORY OF THE STANDARD OIL TRUST, BY S.C.T. Dodd (1894); RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY, BY Gilbert Holland Montague (1903); HISTORY OF THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY, by Ida M. Tarbell (1904). To supplement these books, bringing the facts relating to this great business aggregation down to later dates, reference should be made to government exhibits, such as the report of the United States Industrial Commission (1900 and 1902); the testimony in the Supreme Court suit for dissolution (1910 and 1911) and the report of the “Money Trust Investigation” made by the Committee on Banking and Currency of the House of Representatives in 1913. These latter are a real mine of information regarding the activities not only of Standard Oil magnates in business and banking fields, but of others as well during the preceding decade. The story of the Morgan banking house has never been full told, though the LIFE STORY OF J.P. MORGAN, BY Carl Hovey (1911), presents a fair outline. Consult also, FORTY YEARS OF AMERICAN FINANCE, BY Alexander D. Noyes (1909) which contains interesting chapters on the government financing undertaken by the firm. The facts of Edward H. Harriman’s remarkable career can be culled only from the current financial publications of the period. Government reports, such as the testimony in the Supreme Court suit for the dissolution of the Northern Securities Company (1904) and the report of the Committee on Banking and Currency, show the general activities of the Harriman financiers and their connections with Wall Street. The rise to power of the steel and iron magnates and the growth of allied industries have been presented to the public in various forms. A valuable but biased work is the INSIDE HISTORY OF THE CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY, BY James H. Bridge (1903). THE ROMANCE OF STEEL, BY Herbern N. Casson (1907) is a very readable story. On the specific subject of Wall Street mechanism and finance, THE WORK OF WALL STREET, BY Sereno S. Pratt (1912), ad WALL STREET AND THE COUNTRY, by Charles A. Conant (1904), will be found interesting. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TRUSTS, by John Moody (1904), is a statistical exhibit of capitalized industry and finance as it existed at the apex of the merger movement. On the general subject of industrial trusts and combinations scores of volumes have been written, some of value and many worthless. Among the informing, popular books of the past two decades may be mentioned: THE STORY OF LIFE INSURANCE by Burton J. Hendrick (1907); TRUSTS, OR INDUSTRIAL COMBINATIONS AND COALITIONS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY Ernst von Halle (1895); CORPORATION FINANCE, by Thomas L. Greene (1908); THE CONTROL OF TRUSTS, by John B. Clark (1901); TRUST FINANCE, by Edward Sherwood Meade (1903); THE TRUST PROBLEM, by Jeremiah W. Jenks (1900); and INDUSTRIAL COMBINATIONS AND TRUSTS, by William H. Stevens (1913). But to learn the full story of the great masters of capital of the last generation, one must depend chiefly on financial and investment periodicals. Chief among these are the COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL CHRONICLE, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, and the New York JOURNAL OF COMMERCE. For purely banking subjects, the BANKERS MAGAZINE is the best source of information. For full light on the subject of the control of life insurance funds by the powers of Wall Street, nothing better can be found than the report of the joint committee of the New York Legislature appointed to investigate life insurance companies (1906). The facts regarding the dissolution of the Standard Oil Trust and the American Tobacco Company are to be found in the testimony in the Supreme Court suits against those companies. The best popular description of the panic of 1907 is contained in Alexander D. Noyes’s FORTY YEARS OF AMERICAN FINANCE.”


Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 11 minutes ago
Note by Amelia Gora:
Genealogies are the basis of the Monarchy in the Hawaiian Islands.
There are many Kamehameha descendants, many have been uncovered due to a tremendous amount of research made over the past 24 years.
Historical issues have been uncovered showing Premeditation, duress issues which negates all claims made by the U.S. et. als. who did support conspirators, treasonous persons documented.
Realistically, no one can proclaim themselves to be King or Queen because there are specific issues that needs to be addressed................the descendants of those who attended the Royal School are also part of the picture..... for example the families of all of them.........
Is it proper to have former prisoners be allowed to be Kings, Queens?  
The point being that the bloodlines who maintain titles to the lands through genealogies must be the ones who are to be looked at seriously.
The bloodlines who connect to the Sovereign, the House of Nobles which are the two permanent branches of the Hawaiian Kingdom must be looked at seriously..............
otherwise, diversions by power hungry actors are part of the picture and can be seen as no different than the usurpers of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.
We need to seriously look at the families of the Sovereigns, and House of Nobles.
Meanwhile, the claimants who cannot show their genealogies are part of the voted in, temporary branch under the heading of the the House of Representatives, the third part of the three-part government making up the Hawaiian Kingdom.
It was the House of Representatives branch that turned into the treasonous group making up the Provisional Government, turned Republic of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii, and the State of Hawaii supported by the U.S., England, J.P. Morgan bankers, Bank of England.
We are an ancient genealogy based society whose descendants/heirs exists today.
Let's have all of these "Kings, Queen's, Regents, etc." show/prove their genealogies soon.
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 7 minutes ago
additional reference:


by Amelia Gora
(Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands)

Queen Liliuokalani
Queen Liliuokalani
Queen Liliuokalani   
Am a longtime researcher (30+years history, 22+ years genealogies, 10+ years legal research) and have discovered and documented that the U.S. in the Hawaiian Islands claims is a Big Fraud, a Big Lie! The following gives reasons why:

New York Times - The Learning Network Perpetuates and Promotes Erroneous Hawaiian History

Posted by Amelia Gora on January 23, 2012 at 8:20am in Politics

January 17, 2012, 4:01 am
Jan. 17, 1893 | Hawaiian Monarchy Overthrown by America-Backed Businessmen

Queen Liliuokalani was under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, which makes the claims of the violators null and void.

Queen Liliuokalani maintained that the U.S. breached the treaties, and breached the Law of Nations. The U.S., England, departed from the Law of Nations and with the bankers formed organizations which differed from the Law of Nations and move towards One World Order/New World Order.

Oppositions to Annexation was documented by Queen Liliuokalani and her subjects (21,000+) - see vs. 5,000 Americans and their paid off supporters - see PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: CHARLES REED BISHOP AND FRIENDS athttp://myweb.ecomplanet/GORA8037

Opposition to the deed of lands/trust of Queen Kapiolani was documented against Princes Kuhio and Kawananakoa who failed to follow the instructions of Queen Kapiolani.

Opposition to the claimed Trust Deed by Queen Liliuokalani defended by treasonous person Samuel Damon, Curtis Iaukea, and William Smith was documented in the Will of Queen Liliuokalani. Colburn, administrator, failed to make corrections and did support the treasonous Prince Kuhio.

Queen Liliuokalani's true trustee's descendants existed then and exist today. Issues remain unresolved.

Families of Queen Liliuokalani existed then, and their descendants exists today.

Kamehameha's descendants existed then, and their descendants exists today.

Bernice Pauahi Bishop was NOT the last of the Kamehameha's. Her first cousins descendants existed then, and their descendants exists today.

Reference: and other articles, books by Amelia Gora

Auwe! Genocide Evidence folks.......Send to many....Premeditation by the U.S. against a neutral, friendly nation

Reference: Article by Amelia Gora (2012) EVEN MORE EVIDENCE ON PEARL HARBOR
Even More Evidence on Pearl Harbor - Fraud Claim by the U.S. by Amelia Gora (2012)

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Jun 17, 2012
A secret within an Enigma of the Sovereignty Issue
by: Richard Swing

Aloha and thank you for your mana'o. Although,I have no Hawai'i blood in me the wisdom and love for the kanaka maoli is within. I have a BA in political Science from the U of H this does not make me an expert but how many degrees does it take to see that an injustice has been done and is still being perpetrated. Dr. Sai and yourself point out some very good points. Dr. Sai's doctoral thesis for his book is my bible. Amelia, you though point out and bring added insight to this issue because there is another hidden story within the larger fabric of misinformation and Lies. As Dr. Sai points out in his treatise in order for a ruler of a sovereign house, according to international law - sic the law of Nations then (1893) and now, must protest the loss of territory and/or claim to rightful(de juris not de facto)rule and control and the descendants of a royla house must do so as well or sovereignty the de juris right to rule is lost or forfeited to the occupying(de facto)power.
Queen lilioukalani, because she was a ver condidents and smart lady knew that and did so. The story within the story that you so wonderfully bring to light is that there were attempts by the occupying power sic - the US government and it's agents/allies to extinguish the royal line atarting with the completely shamefull and inhuman house arrest of the Queen.
Then the royal relatives of King Kalakaua were discredited and disinherited through some very questionable and illegal maneuvers even given the restricted powers allowed to the occupying force and nation. Many people living in Hawai'i today are unaware of this hidden genocide and think there are no surviving members, by blood. of the Hawai'ian roylaty or nobility.
Mahalo and God bless you Amelia!
Additional References:
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Sunday, July 03, 2011


President Cleveland further concluded that a "substantial wrong has thus been done which a due regard for our national character as well as the rights of the injured people requires we should endeavor to repair" and called for the restoration of the Hawaiian monarchy.

by Larry Geller
Cannon on the steps of Iolani palace 
Cannon on the steps of the occupied Iolani Palace

On July 4, 1894, the Republic of Hawaii was declared, with Sanford B. Dole as president. The illegal overthrow of the independent nation of Hawaii was complete.
Yes, although your daily paper may want you to forget this, it is history that should not be ignored. There’s even a federal law confirming the truth of the history they refuse to print.
From the Apology Resolution , United States Public Law 103-150:
Whereas, in a message to Congress on December 18, 1893, President Grover Cleveland reported fully and accurately on the illegal acts of the conspirators, described such acts as an "act of war, committed with the participation of a diplomatic representative of the United States and without authority of Congress", and acknowledged that by such acts the government of a peaceful and friendly people was overthrown... President Cleveland further concluded that a "substantial wrong has thus been done which a due regard for our national character as well as the rights of the injured people requires we should endeavor to repair" and called for the restoration of the Hawaiian monarchy.
Whereas, the indigenous Hawaiian people never directly relinquished their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people or over their national lands to the United States, either through their monarchy or through a plebiscite or referendum.
A treaty of annexation was never passed by Congress, and President Grover Cleveland withdrew the treaty. Then on this day in history…
On July 4, 1894, the archipelago's new leaders responded to this rebuff by proclaiming a Republic of Hawaii, with Sanford Dole as president. Under its constitution, most legislators would be appointed rather than elected, and only men with savings and property would be eligible for public office. This all but excluded native Hawaiians from the government of their land… [From Overthrow, a book by Stephen Kinzer]
What was the motivation? Need you ask? Why is the US in Iraq?From the Washington Post review of Overthrow:
As Stephen Kinzer tells the story in Overthrow, America's century of regime changing began not in Iraq but Hawaii. Hawaii? Indeed. Kinzer explains that Hawaii's white haole minority -- in cahoots with the U.S. Navy, the White House and Washington's local representative -- conspired to remove Queen Liliuokalani from her throne in 1893 as a step toward annexing the islands. The haole plantation owners believed that by removing the queen (who planned to expand the rights of Hawaii's native majority) and making Hawaii part of the United States, they could get in on a lucrative but protected mainland sugar market. Ever wonder why free trade has such a bad name?
The road leading up to the declaration of the Republic of Hawaii was rocky, and can’t be summed up in a short blog article. Did you know, for example, that a US Senate investigation revealed that a bribe had been offered to Queen Liliuokalani to turn against her people and support the Republic? This snip is from a New York Times article on the Senate investigation, dated 1/29/1894:
The declaration of the Republic was not a single, static event. There was considerable debate in Congress on resolutions condemning the overthrow and proposed annexation. For example, this snip from the 1/25/1894 New York Times will give you an idea of the complexity that we lose in simplifying Hawaii’s history:
Each article is much longer than the snips above. It would be worthwhile to skim the New York Times for a complete account of the Congressional debate. No doubt this has already been done. If not, the articles are available on-line for the harvesting..
If you’re not familiar with Hawaiian history, beware of websites that work hard to re-write it. The true picture of the overthrow is not pretty, nor can the acts of the US government be justified or whitewashed. Google cautiously.
Let your children know that there is more to July 4 than barbeques and fireworks. It is a holiday that tears people apart here in Hawaii. See how you can work this history into your celebrations and festivities, so that it will never disappear.
Technorati Tags: Hawaii , overthrow , illegal overthrow , Sanford Dole , July 4 

Permalink  posted by Larry @ 7/03/2011 08:20:00 PM 
Thank you, Larry.
#  posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 4, 2011 7:07:00 AM HST
The 4th Of July is a myth about freedom, an example of American hypocrisy...Many thanks, Larry.
#  posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 4, 2011 9:15:00 AM HST
my pledge for this 04 Iulai 2011 is to never forget the freedom of my Kingdom. To live for justice and honor and to know that one day and be it a day soon, the Kingdom of Hawaii will be again for the people.
#  posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 5, 2011 6:30:00 AM HST
There are many similarities between Palestine and Hawaii; they are both illegally occupied. A NAKBA, A CATASTROPHE!!!Many thanks for daring to go where few venture!
#  posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 5, 2011 10:02:00 AM HST
July 4 is a triple holiday for Hawaii -- 1776, 1894, 1960

July 4, 1776 marked the creation of the United States through the Declaration of Independence. Hawaii proudly celebrates that date as part of our heritage because Hawaii joined the union.

July 4, 1894 marked the creation of the Republic of Hawaii through the publication of its Constitution. At least five delegates to the Constitutional Convention were native Hawaiians; the Constitution was published in both English and Hawaiian; the Speaker of the House was former royalist John Kaulukou.

July 4, 1960 marked the date when the U.S. flag with 50 stars was first officially displayed, by being raised at 12:01 AM at the Fort McHenry National Monument in Baltimore, Maryland (where Francis Scott Key had written "The Star Spangled Banner"). This followed the tradition of naming the next July 4 following admission to Statehood as the date for official display of the new flag.

Let's remember what Hawaii was like on America's birthdate in 1776. Captain Cook had not yet arrived. Hawaiians were living in the stone age. They had not yet invented the wheel, had no written language, and no clay pottery. They had only extremely small amounts of metal that washed up in driftwood from sunken ships. There was constant warfare among competing warlords. There was no concept of human rights -- both slavery and human sacrifice were practiced. The death penalty was imposed on anyone who stepped on the shadow of a high chief, or any woman who ate a banana or coconut.

Things had functioned that way for a thousand years and would have remained unchanged except for the arrival of British explorers in 1778, followed by European and American whalers and businessmen, and then American missionaries in 1820. Hawaiians eagerly embraced reading and writing, Christian religion, human rights, private property rights, a market economy, the rule of law, etc. In 1893 a revolution led by a local militia with 1500 members put an end to a corrupt and ineffective monarchy, replacing it with a republic.

Thus we Hawaiians celebrate a triple holiday on July 4, for 1776 (U.S. independence) 1894 (Republic of Hawaii), and 1960 (50th star added to U.S. flag). Unfortunately most citizens today don't know that the Republic of Hawaii was internationally recognized de jure as the legitimate government of Hawaii by letters personally signed by emperors, kings, queens, and presidents of at least 20 nations on four continents in eleven languages, sent to President Dole during the last half of 1894.

For details about July 4 as a triple holiday for Hawaii, see

For a detailed and heavily documented rebuttal to the history-twisters' claims that the revolution of 1894 was illegal, the annexation of 1898 was illegal, and the statehood vote of 1959 was illegal, please see "Hawaii Statehood -- straightening out the history-twisters. A historical narrative defending the legitimacy of the revolution of 1893, the annexation of 1898, and the statehood vote of 1959."
#  posted by Anonymous Ken Conklin  : July 5, 2011 10:10:00 AM HST
Ken, I knew I could count on receiving a comment from you on July 4. Thanks for reading my blog, anyway.

There's no need for me to rebut all of it, but some is really interesting to me.

I'm glad that you seem to object to slavery and human sacrifice. Too bad, though, that you don't object to it right here at home. Hawaii will be the site of the largest human trafficking (indentured servitude) trial in US history starting next year, and this month a related case begins in federal court. It looks like our agricultural economy, at least, is still dependent on human slavery. And we're not talking 1776, either. It's 2011. In case you didn't know it, our founding fathers had nothing against slavery and some kept slaves themselves.

As to human sacrifice, have you not been reading the newspaper? Between the Taliban, Al Qaeda and yes, the USA, we're engaged in massive human sacrifice. We don't even care much about sacrificing our own troops. Or of course killing vast numbers of others. Now we've got drones to make it easier to kill. We're killing innocent men, women and children in various spots around the world in greater numbers than ever before. Our partner in crime, Israel, killed 1400+ people while we looked the other way, even though about a third (?) of those are children. Did we withhold our aid money, which made the massacre possible? No. We don't have much claim to nobility, and I'm talking again about today, not a hundred years ago.

I need to draw this comment to an end, but I don't want to miss the US firebombing of Tokyo that killed more people than either atomic bomb, or of course the killing of innocent civilians with those two bombs. I mention this to put things in perspective. Hawaii, at any time in its history, did not rise to these heights of mass human destruction that we ourselves demonstrate and still accept.

There is also the question of singling out Hawaii in those days as a place that it is ok to take over because of the nature of its people. That was part of the openly imperial argument at the time. Remember, the occupiers could not get enough slave labor to run the plantations. We did not behave much differently, did we, once we took over? Does the designation of a people as savages, which is what you are doing, justify military and then genocidal action against them? Did not one "savage" simply replace others?

The Hawaiian people were very capable of modern government, education, agriculture, and other aspects of "civilization" that defy your implications, and their government was recognized fully by other countries.

By the way, imperfect though my own arguments may be, comments in this blog are really not structured to hold a proper debate about it, and I can't devote the time to reviving an old subject for your pleasure.

So comments here will be closed with this one.
#  posted by Blogger Larry : July 5, 2011 11:10:00 AM HST
Right on Larry!!!
#  posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 5, 2011 1:12:00 PM HST
Aloha e Larry & all others on this webpage and also those that will read what i will be posting, very, very shortly.

1) Everyone must understand that the United States and/or the United States of America and Congress for that matter has been "Bankrupt." The President or CEO of this "Corporation," has "abdicated" his throne," and has given it up to another "King," and/or "Monarchy," the Governor of the "International Monetary Fund," see United States Code Title 22 - Section 286: Acceptance of Membership by the United States in International Monetary Fund.

2) Not one, and i mean not even one judge/attorney is licensed in the "State of" Hawaii???? Go down to the Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs," and go find and do your own research about what i just posted...That means that these "Foreign Agents" are both, "Foreign & Private Agents" of the "IMF," who receives funds for the Federal Reserve...Check out U.S.C. Title 18 Section 951; U.S.C. Title 22 Section 612; and especially this one, U.S.C. Title 8- Title 1481...

3) That all courts of the Hawaiian islands today is controlled and is a "Private Judiciary."

4) That the "Hawaii State Bar Association, who has a "private membership" now of almost 10,000, foreign and private agents to collect information and contributions for a "Foreign Power," is only registered with the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, but like all "Judges/Attorneys/Lawyers, are not "Licensed" to do business in the "State of" Hawaii...

There is a lot more i could freely share, but i believe this information that i have shared, in and of itself is enough for you all to chew on for a while...
#  posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 6, 2011 7:43:00 AM HST
Larry, you are the best! Thank you for giving us the original documents to read! And for pointing out the erroneous claims of Mr. Conklin. I plant to share this widely. (ie, on FaceBook) :-)
Ex-Queen Liliuokalani to the President.
(Received February 3, 1893.)
President of the United States:
MY GREAT AND GOOD FRIEND: It is with deep regret that I address you on this occasion. Some of my subjects, aided by aliens, have renounced their loyalty and revolted against the
constitutional government of my Kingdom. They have attempted to depose
me and to establish a provisional government, in direct conflict with
the organic law of this Kingdom. Upon receiving incontestable proof that
his excellency the minister plenipotentiary of the United States, aided
and abetted their unlawful movements and caused United States troops to
be landed for that purpose, I submitted to force, believing that he
would not have acted in that manner unless by the authority of the
Government which he represents.
This action on my part was prompted by three reasons: The futility of a conflict with the United States; the desire to avoid violence, bloodshed, and the destruction of life and property,
and the certainty which I feel that you and your Government will right
whatever wrongs may have been inflicted upon us in the premises.
In due time a statement of the true facts relating this matter will be
laid before you, and I live in the hope that you will judge uprightly
and justly between myself and my enemies.
This appeal is not made for myself personally, but for my people who have hitherto always enjoyed the friendship and protection of the United States.
My opponents have taken the only vessel which could be obtained here for
the purpose, and hearing of their intention to send a delegation of
their number to present their side of this conflict before you, I
requested the favor of sending by the same vessel an envoy to you, to
lay before you my statement, as the facts appear to myself and my loyal
This request has been refused and I now ask you that in justice to
myself and to my people that no steps be taken by the Government of the
United States until my cause can be heard by you.
I shall be able to dispatch an envoy about the 2d day of February as that will be the first available opportunity hence, and he will reach you with every possible haste that there may be no
delay in the settlement of this matter.
I pray you, therefore, my good friend, that you will not allow any conclusions to be reached by you until my envoy arrives. I beg to assure you of the continuance of my highest consideration.
HONOLULU, January 18,1893.

Hawaii holomua = Progress., December 07, 1893, Image 2
About Hawaii holomua = Progress. (Honolulu) 1893-1895


Hawaii holomua = Progress., November 07, 1893, Image 2
About Hawaii holomua = Progress. (Honolulu) 1893-1895



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